Max Security

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Yes, I haven't been the most stable, mentally, lately. But I'm trying to better myself for the sake of my health and my son.

Tati's tape is everywhere. So many people have been waiting for me to comment, but I've been dodging it all.

Tasha was apart of my healing too. She was there for me when I really was going through it.

And as a thank you, I'm taking her to the Cayman Islands.

Yes, we both established that we like each other. But, we both just came out of really hard relationships.

I dropped Kyden off at Y/N and Michael's place last night, and now Tasha and I are headed to the airport.


All the kids are off to school today, I'm at work and Michael is working on something for Coach.

The ER isn't too busy today, so I've just been doing what I can when people come in.

I had a mom come in with her son and she was yelling at me while I was trying to read his diagnosis and what medication he would be taking.

My boss had to this lady out of the room, so she would stop yelling at every doctor who came in the room.

I just have to make it to three o'clock and then I can go back home.


I'm at my shoot for coach. It wasn't supposed to take long initially, but plans changed and I probably am going to take longer than I thought.

"Hey Michael, somebody from the state prison wants to talk to you," my assistant said. She handed me the phone and I put it to my ear, "Hello,"

"Michael, it's me," Tati said. "Tati!" I whisper yelled. "I was trying to remember Y/N's number, but she changed it," she said.

"What's up," I said. "I really need to talk to Y/N and I'm allowed one visit per month," she said. "Okay..." I tried to act clueless, but I knew exactly what she was gonna say.

"Can you please ask her to consider talking to me?" she asked. "Okay," I answered. "Oh yeah, and I only have two weeks until they put me under max security," she said.

"Okay, I'll talk to her when I see her, Tati," she said. "Times up Coleman," someone said in the background. "Bye Michael, Thank you," she hung up.

"Michael, we really need to get back to the shoot now," I handed my phone back to my assistant and walked back towards my shoot.



I just got off my shift and I'm going to get the kids. Michael ended up being busy, so he couldn't pick them up earlier. I picked up Kyden first because his daycare was on the way to where Matthew, Mariah and Isaiah's is.

He was on the playground when I came and he ran straight up to me. "Hey Ky," I signed him out. I said thank you to the ladies up front, left and put him in his car seat.

On the way to pick up the rest of the kids, I got a call from my mom. "Hey mom," I answered. "Hey Y/N, how are you?" she asked. "I'm good, I'm going to pick up the kids now, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm good, just a little stressed out," she said. "About what?" I asked. "Jaylee," she said. "What'd she do now?" I asked. "She was seeing this boy and I was fine with it until I found out he's gonna be legal in two months," she explained.

"What?!" I semi-yelled. "I was hoping you could talk to her because she won't talk to me," she said. "Okay, sure," I said.

"Can you watch the kids on Saturday, Michael's taking me out for something," I said. "Of course," she said. "But, we have Kyden this weekend too, so..." I said. "That's Sterling's baby, of course we'll watch him," she said.

"Thank you mom, I'll talk to Jaylee soon," I said. "Thank you honey, bye," she hung up. We pulled up at the daycare and school, and I signed out all three kids.

The kids were all pretty much half asleep by the time I got home. So, I laid them all down for a quick nap. I cooked dinner, quickly cleaned up, woke the kids back up and finally got a call from Michael.

"Hey," I answered. "Hey Y/N, sorry to keep you waiting, I'm had to make a stop at my moms," he said. "Is she okay?" I worried. "As far as I know she's doing okay, she just needed some help," he said.

"She said she loves and misses you," he said. "Tell her I love and miss her too," I said. "I'll be home in another hour or so, I love you," he said.

"I love you and I'll see you in about an hour or so," he said. "Love you, bye," I hung up. "You guys sound like an old couple," Matthew said. "So do you and your girlfriend," I retorted.

"We're not official yet," he said. Everybody finished eating and just as I finally got Mariah down, Michael came in and I ran down the stairs really fast.

He sulked and walked into the kitchen very slowly. "Hi," I said. He instantly picked himself up and put a smile on his face. "Hey bae, I thought you were asleep," he said.

"No, I just got Mariah down," I said. "What's wrong Mike?" I asked. "Nothing, everything is fine," he lied. "We've been together for almost four years and you think I don't know when you're lying," he sighed.

"Work today was so hard, I just felt like everybody, including my team, was rushing me," he said. "We redid takes so many times because I wasn't getting it right," he explained.

"My assistant kept blaming me and so was my agent," he said. "Well, as your wife, I'm sure you did a great job," I said.

"I don't feel like it," he said. "Hey, hey, I'm sure you were doing great, just pick yourself back up and try again tomorrow," I encouraged him.

He smiled, "Thank you," he said. "How was your day?" he asked. "Other than having a mom yell at me the whole time I was trying to help her child, it was completely fine," we laughed.



"Y/N, I got a call today," I said as we were about to lay down. "From who?" she moved some of her pillows off the bed. "The state prison called me today and Tati was on the line," I said.

She stopped peeling her sheets back and looked me directly in the eyes. "What did she want?" Y/N asked. "She's going into max security in two weeks, but she has one more visit available and she wants to talk to you," I explained.

"Why not Steelo?" she asked. "I don't know, ask her," I said. "I'll have to think about it," she said. "Don't stress about it, okay, let's go to bed," I kissed her forehead.

"Okay, goodnight," she got under the covers. "Goodnight," I got under the covers too.

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