First Day

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   I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring. Six is too early, and so I went back to sleep. After snoozing my alarm 7-8 different times, I gave up and decide I wanted to turn it off completely. I really didn't want to move. However, it was my first day at my new school. I guess I had to get up.

   I was starting off my sophomore year at a new school where I knew nobody. I'd like to say it's something new, but my family moves often, almost every 1-3 years.

   I sighed and began to get ready. I rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my hair. I quickly changed into my new black, ripped jeans and a white shirt. I paired it all along with some white shoes.

   In first hour, my teacher introduced himself to the class. He gave us his expectations and a syllabus to sign saying our parents, as well as ourselves, understand what is expected of us in his class.

   Throughout the day, most of my classes went similarly. I was lost most of the time, constantly struggling to find my way to the proper classrooms but managing to get there on time.

   The only reason I was excited today was for volleyball tryouts after school. At a new school, with no friends, I was eager to make the team. I was captain on varsity at my old school, but I knew that the new year would bring new positions and opportunities. I learned from the school website that girls who made varsity last season didn't have to try out again. I didn't expect much, especially not captains position.

   As tryouts grew closer, I grew more anxious. I knew that I was good. I just wasn't sure I was good enough. The end of the day rolled around so quickly, and my anxiety had sky rocketed to an all tome high. I quickly went to one of the bathrooms, not taking the time to even look for the locker rooms, and ran to the gym.

   I recognized some of the girls from the halls, but there was only one girl I recognize from class. I smile and waved awkwardly, but she gave me a confused look and half smile before turning the other way. Maybe she just doesn't remember faces like I do.

   I sighed and put my stuff down before slightly distancing myself from the rest of the girls to begin stretching. It's not that I'm rude, I'm quite the opposite, honestly. I'm just awkward with new people.

   We ran our warm up laps before begining our actual practice. We practiced passing the ball back and forth in pairs that the coach had picked, new girls with girls already on varsity. I was paired with the girl I knew from my gym class.

This girl was beautiful, truly. Sharp jaw line, perfectly plump lips, amazing body, and sharp jaw line. She honestly looked mean, and she tended to keep to herself in class, similar to me. She was quite. I was scared she would be a bitch, like most pretty girls in high school are, but the first thing she did was offer to help me before coach even got a chance to pair us up.

"You're in my gym class, yeah?" she asked.

I nodded my head, "4th hour with Mrs Johnson."

"Well I'm Adriana," she introduced herself.


She grabbed a ball and headed over to an empty space on the gym floor.

"Don't be nervous," she whispered before giggling quietly and spiking the ball to me.

"Who said I'm nervous?" I said before hitting the ball back and tucking my hair behind my ears.

She catches it before smiling and giving me an 'oh really?' look. "I can tell. I had to try out too you know." We both laughed before she hit it back to me.

After passing the ball back and forth several times and keeping somewhat of a conversation going, coach called for us to stop, letting us know it was time for our tryouts to begin.

"Good luck," she held my forearm and smiled at me. I smiled back before blushing and thanking her and joining the other girls. The varsity players already on the team had to go get to their own practices.

We quickly went in two line, passing the ball back over the net, hitting and doing different drills. It's was all so fast and exhausting.

   By the time tryouts were over, I was almost covered in sweat. I grabbed my stuff and lugging it over towards the other girls as we waited for coach.

   "If your name is on the board, come back tomorrow. If not, I'm sorry but you didn't make the team," she said before leaving. We all took a deep breath before slowly making our way to the board, one by one. Some girls squealed while others sobbed.

   The girl from earlier came up beside me and watched me as I stared anxiously at the board from afar, my bottom lip stuck between my teeth.

   "Aren't you going to check?" she asked, nudging me over.

   I turned around completely to face her. "Should I? Is it really that important?"

   She laughed and grabbed my hand, dragging me to the board to check. "Oh my god." she mumbles.

   My head shoots up and my eyes immediately race to hers. Was that a good 'oh my god' or...

   "You made it!!" she squealed before hugging me. "Varsity buddies!!!"

   I squealed and immediately hugged her back. "Oh my gosh I wasn't sure I was going to make it!! I mean I was captain at my old school, but I know this school is so much bigger and I-"

   "You were captain?" she squealed again. I laughed and held her hands.

   "I wasn't the best, just coach's favorite is all," I say, trying not to diss the other girls on the team who had become my close friends. Although they had yet to put any attempt into keeping in touch, other than one of them.

   "You don't have to be so humble," she laughed. Her phone went off, and she pulled it out, sighing loudly."I have to go. My sister is waiting for me out front. I'll see you tomorrow though!! I look forward to hanging out with you at practice." She smiled and hugged me one last time before leaving.

   As I laid in bed after practice, completely ready to pass out, I couldn't help but to think of my new friend. My first day at school and I had already made good friends with a senior on the team. Not only was she on the team, but she was a captain. I already looked up to her, and I'd only known her for a day.

I sighed as I pulled my covers close to me, cocooning myself inside them and the warmth they provided. Thank you, universe, for these warm blankets you provide. I chuckled at my thoughts as I snuggled deeper, drifting into my slumber with one name on my mind- Adriana.

So this is the first chapter of this story!!!! The other one is coming very soon I'm so excited for you guys to read it. I already started writing it and honestly I think it's going to be really full of drama and tea so get ready for that. Please comment and tell me what all you think.

edited but not very well😌 picture is not mine

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