A Night Of Embarrassment

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Ariana went home with Austin, which didn't do anything but make me more mad. Honestly, that was probably what she wanted: go home with him, make me jealous, and keep her on my mind. It was easier not to think about it.

Despite Ariana going home with her boyfriend, Jordan ended up coming back to the twins' house to spend the night because Noah would be doing the same.

Seeing Adriana with Noah all night changed how I saw the two of them. Yes, watching them kiss and listening to them flirt constantly made me feel uneasy, but it showed me how happy she really was with him. They looked madly in love, and who was I to get in the way of my best friend's happiness?

As soon as we got back to the house, us girls went into Adriana's room to change into pajamas. Slightly tipsy, we all decided scary movies would be the best way to end our night, so we made our way upstairs to the living room with the sliding door that lead to the backyard.

   Adriana's mom had set up a projector for us in the backyard. She also made us plenty of snacks because she was baking the entire time we were at the dance. It seemed like baking and cooking always helped when she was worried or bored, which is probably where Adriana got her love of baking from. We had cookies, cupcakes, mini pies, brownies, and other foods to snack on spread out on a small table in the back.

   For whatever reason, it was agreed that we would all pile onto the trampoline with blankets and pillows. As happy as I was to see Adriana happy, I wasn't ready to see her making out with her boyfriend while she was beside me. For that very reason, I opted to be on the outside next to Jordan. Noah was on the other end while the only present twin got sandwiched between her boyfriend and Jordan.

"If I hear or feel you guys doing anything nasty, I am fully prepared to shove you off of the trampoline." Jordan pointed at Noah. "I care zero percent if you sprain your dick from falling. Keep it in your pants, and keep all hands away from it."

"Yes ma'am," he joked, making us all turn away from secondhand embarrassment.

The movie started. Despite Noah's protests, we had put on The Invisible Man.

   Majority of the time was spent making comments about how unrealistic it was that all of the doors in the house were constantly left open.

   Jordan would pull me closer or move herself closer to me anytime the movie got relatively scary or intense. At one point, we had interlocked our fingers, but she had let go of my hand and dropped it on her leg. I, of course, didn't notice and squeezed her inner thigh when I had gotten scared. The only thing that let me know it wasn't her hand was the quiet moan she let out in my ear which set me on edge.

   I looked over to see that the others hadn't noticed and decided to act like it didn't happen to save us both the embarrassment.

The night consisted of Adriana and Noah doing their best to get alone to do unholy things while I tried to keep Adriana close to avoid being alone with Jordan.

Don't get me wrong, she was beautiful, sweet, and funny, but it didn't feel right to try anything with her. She was the best friend of the girl I liked. She knew enough about us to know that I liked her best friend and that I had hooked up with her earlier in the night. Still, she stayed glued to my side, making flirty comments and being extra touchy.

I went to use the bathroom, and came back out to find Jordan alone at the kitchen island. Noah and Adriana had disappeared. Great.

"Hey," she nervously laughed.

I let out a small chuckle. "Hey."

"I'm not really sure where they went. I went to get some snacks from my bag, and they were just gone when I came back," she gestured to the snacks in front of her.

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