Chapter 13: Ointment

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Third Person Pov:


"What did you want to talk about...... Aishi?" Said Budo while Ayano was freaking out.

"Budo" was all that came out of her mouth. For the first time Ayano was scared, not of Budo, but of what might happen. It was as if she did something wrong and having to say sorry with a bunch of eyes on her, watching every move she makes. But Ayano wanted Budo to be back in her life before it was to late, she wants to laugh with him and go home with like how they use to. Ayano has decided to talk with Budo, and try to sort everything out.

There was silence, and it was killing them both, but it wasn't long before one of them broke the silence.

"B-budo I-" Ayano was cut off. "Here, these are for you" said Budo as he toss the papers on her couch. "That's all I came here to do" Budo then turned around and headed twords the door.

Ayano ran twords him, and right before she could touch him, his reflexes caught her arm, the same arm with the burn.

"Agh" said Ayano in pain. Budo let go right away when he notice she was hurting. "Sorry.....Ais-" before Budo finished his sentence, he notice the burn on her arm. He grabbed her hand this time making sure not to hurt her again.

"What happened, are you okay" Ayano started to blush at the fact that Budo was holding her hand and worrying about her.

"Come on let's put some ointment on's still in the bathroom, right" said Budo as he remembered the last few times he was in here. Ayano nodded.

"Just wait for me here, I'll go and get it" said Budo as he pointed at the couch. Ayano nodded once again and sat on her couch while Budo went up stairs to her bathroom.

After a few minutes, Budo came down with some ointment. After he opened it, he put some on his finger. "Tell me when it starts to hurt okay" Ayano just nods.

There was only silence between them, as Budo was applying the ointment. Ayano took this silence as an opportunity to talk to him.

"Budo.....c-can we talk" Ayano said while Budo flinched a little. "There's nothing to talk about" there was silence again but Ayano wasn't going to give up. "But, there is something to talk about" said Ayano "look, I'm just someone who helped you hook up with someone else, there's nothing else to talk about!" Budo said with anger starting to grow. "What about us" said Ayano "what about us!" Yelled Budo. Ayano was shock, she never heard him yell since that night.

"There" said Budo as he finished applying the ointment. Budo got up and headed twords the door. As he had his hand on the door, he felt something go around him. It took him a few seconds to realize what was happening.

"P-please Budo, d-dont leave me" said Ayano, as tears started to fall from her face. Budo was paralyzed at the sight, he didn't know what got into him, but for some reason, he turned around and hugged her back.

"*Sigh* why did it have to be like this" said Budo while hugging Ayano, who buried her head into his chest while holding onto him like he was going to disappear any second.

"Can we just be friends again, Budo-kun" said Ayano who was getting ready for the worst possible answer she could get.

"No, we can't"

And their it is. The answer Ayano feard the most came true. Ayano started to hold onto Budo a bit more tightly. She could feel her Yandere self coming, she was not going to let Budo go, no matter what. That was till she heard him say something else.

"But.....we can start over"

Budo got out of Ayano's grip and held a hand out to her.

"Hello Ayano Aishi, My name is Budo Masuta"

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