Extra: AU

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*Note this is NOT part of the storyline.

3rd Person POV:

  “Ayano had been in a bad mood recently” said Budo to his club members who were eating there lunches. “Do you have any idea of what could of put her in a bad mood?” Said Juku.

  Budo pondered for a moment before replying “I have no idea" he said frustrated as he scratched the back side of his head. “You should know of all people, since you guys are so close" said Shima “what is that supposed to mean" said pBudo who was still trying to recall any memories of him making Ayano mad “Look Budo, whenever Ayano gets mad it always because of you, you’re the cause of most of her emotions” said Mina.
   Budo was going to say something but he couldn’t knowing it was mostly true. “I really can’t think of anything that could make her be mad at me" Budo began to groan it frustration “can you guys help me think of anything that would set her off" everyone began to think “ah, maybe it was because of that" said Shi “please tell me" said Budo in s desperate voice.

*Few Days Ago*

  The Martial  Arts Club members decided to eat outside of there club room since Sho puked after eating a rotten piece of his food. “why did you eat it after we told you not to" said Mina who was mad “I thought it was still good, I mean it looked like it was still good” said Sho who just came back from the infirmary. Juku texted Budo before he came in telling him what happened.
   Budo replied with “let’s eat on the rooftop, me and Ayano will be waiting” so everyone started to make there was there. “I wonder if Budo and Aishi are dating” said Sho which stopped Juku in his tracks.
    He looked behind him and gave him a look “I swear, you must be dumber than a rock some times" he said before turning forward and walking. “so they are!” said Sho “of course they are” said Sho “you can even ask them" Sho was beyond shock to learn this “I have to confirm this" this made Sho even more eager to go to the rooftop.

   After a few moments they finally made there way to the top to see Budo and Ayano chatting away, as if they were in there own universe.
    This left the members with a question of whether or not they should join them or go somewhere else before they could decide Sho walks up to them and asks them the question he’s been dying to ask “Budo, Aishi, are you guys dating" Budo and Ayano looked at him “when did you have and interest in other people’s relationships” said Budo “after I heard you guys were together I just wanted to confirm, so is it true" Budo just sighed.
    Ayano began to speak “uh…well we are-" “we aren’t dating" said Budo who cut her off “You’re Not!!” said both Sho and Juku. Budo looked at Ayano who had a shocked expression “why are you acting surprised Ayano?” Said Budo. Ayano looked at Budo for a bit before speaking “wait, Budo how could you say that……do you think we aren’t dating?” asked Ayano “uh…yeah?" said Budo with a straight face.

“But you touched me and we even held hands”

“that’s just skin ship you could see anywhere"

“Then why do you call me over just so we could sleep next to each other!?”

“it’s warmer that way, plus I like holding you in my arms"

“But you said that you loved and couldn’t wait for the day we get married”

“I let that slip because you’re way to cute”

Sho began to feel awkward since he’s been standing right in front of them ‘I wanna go home' this kept repeating in his head ever since they started acting like this.

“Then why did you kiss me!” said Ayano

“You guys kissed!” said Sho and Juku

“…oh that, you were looking at me with tears in your eyes and they say a man shouldn’t reject a woman’s advances” said Budo in a causal voice.

Ayano began to shake with anger “and after all that you still think we aren’t dating….you…you"
Sho began to back off

   Next Budo knew he got a slap right across his face. It was so face he couldn’t dodge in time, mainly because he wasn’t expecting it.

*Present Time*

  “That really did hurt" said Budo as he rubbed his cheek remembering the pain “but what’s the problem?” practically everyone face palmed themselves “it’s all your fault for saying useless stuff" Budo was taken aback “this is my fault” he said pointing at himself” everyone sighed “considering you guys kiss and how you act, it’s not a surprise that Ayano thinks you guys are dating" said Shima as she was finishing half of her bento. Budo scared the back of his head “but still" before any word came out of anyone Ayano entered the club. It would seem she forgot her bag in the club room “hey, Ayano are still mad at me" Ayano look in the opposite direction from Budo “…no…." Said Ayano as she grabbed her bag and made her way towards the door without even looking Budo in the eyes.

‘That’s a lie' that thought ran throw everyone’s mind

Budo got up and grabbed Ayano’s arm before she left threw the door. “Hey, Ayano….are you in love with me?” another thought ran through the club member minds at the same time
‘He just up and said it!’

Ayano was taken aback for a moment, but then she started to blush like crazy, thinking about everything they did “if…I didn’t…I wouldn’t have…done those things….” Budo began to smirk which pissed her off a little.
   “There’s another problem about us dating, I told you I loved you, but you never once said it back" Ayano was shock, she could of sworn she did, or maybe that was all in her mind.     
   “Though, your feelings are pretty obvious" said Budo as he let go of her arms and put them over his head “then why does that matte-” Budo cut her off 
   “I make moves on you because I know how you feel, but without putting it into word I can’t publicly say we’re dating”

‘Normally you wouldn’t do that without her saying it either’ was what ran through the clubs mind as they were finishing up there lunch

   Ayano was a blushing mess knowing what she was going to have to say to be with the one she loved the most in this world.
  “I-I….I love you Budo….s-so…would you please g-go out with me" Budo gave her a kiss on the forehead before embracing her “I’d love to" Ayano only smiled at him as she hugged him back, but her mood was ruined within seconds.
   “Does this mean you guys are dating now" said Sho.
  Budo look back to see his club members just looking at them, he only have them a smirk before replying “it sure does, and make sure you guys let everyone know she’s mine" Everyone nodded.
   Ayano on the other hand buried her head into Budo’s torso, to embarrassed to look her club members in the eyes. She totally forgot they were still there, and they heard everything she said.

   ‘This is awful’ was what she thought, but Budo made it up to her by making her dinner at his place.
   He was happy that he got to hold her in his arms as her lover, and the same went for Ayano, she missed being held by his warm embrace, she never wanted to let go and neither did Budo, and to there luck it was the weekend the next day.

Idea not mine got it from this

Idea not mine got it from this

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Chapter 6

This was an AU. Currently thinking on how I want the next chapter play out.

In the mean time enjoy reading this.

*Note this will be posted on all three Yandere simulator Books*

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