Chapter 17: Breakup pt.2

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3rd Person POV:

“Sounds Fun" said Ayano. Taro smiled with joy knowing he successfully asked his girlfriend out.

“But instead of this weekend, let’s go after school, okay" Taro replied with a yes before Ayano’s words could reach him, and when they did the bell rung, Ayano ran off to her class leaving a frantic Taro on his phone.

>Time Skip<

  “Good job everyone, you all did great" said Budo. Everyone headed to the changing room while Budo began to say speech he heard off of a show he watched.

  Ayano took this chance to talk to Budo, but before she could get his attention someone called out his name. Ayano’s eyes followed the sound that called out to the one she loved “hey Oka-chan, do you need something?” asked Budo who went out into the hallway to talk.

“So…Budo and Oka, huh" said Juku coming out of the changing room letting Shima go in.

  “yeah, they even went on a Date” said Sho in the changing room

  “hurry up!” said Mina.

“they did" said Ayano with a cold face.

“well….kinda" said Sho coming out “he didn’t really consider it a date” Ayano went back to normal

  “she’s not half bad, if you take away the summon stuff” said Sho

“she’s actually pretty cute if you think about it" said Juku with his hand on his chin

“she’s just shy" said Mina coming out along with Shima “she could be like Shi, shy at first then she’s all fun" said Shima while hugging Shi from the back.

“What would there name be" said Sho Ayano was at her breaking point, her eyes starring at the sticks. She could easily break them in half and stab them.

  Her vision started to become red, her hand reaching toward one of the sticks. “Almost there" said Ayano under her breath “aww, I bet there kids would be adorable” said Shima “shut up" said Ayano under her breath still reaching out “I call best man for their wedding” said Sho. “Enough" said Ayano gripping onto the stick. Once her grip was perfect everything turned red.


Ayano then snapped out of her trance after hearing the loud crack, her staff was broken, but who did she hit. Her eyes looked up in shock.

  Budo was standing right in brought of her. He blocked her attack just in time before she spilled any blood, but that wasn’t what shocked her. It was the cold expression he gave her.

  In a monotone voice he asked her “what are you doing" which sent chills down her spine.  Budo looked behind him seeing a concerned Martial Arts club. Budo sighed in relief knowing there okay. “We weren’t supposed to show them today" said Budo with a bright smile as he grabbed both of the staffs to put back. “what was that?” asked Shima “that’s something I’m going to teach you guys, but you need a little more muscle before I start this lesson" said Budo as he looked at their physics “ anyway it’s time to head home, club dismiss” and with that everyone started to leave except for Ayano and Budo who had to change.

“What were you going to do" asked Budo as he begun to change.

Ayano didn’t answer.

“were you going to kill them" silence filled the room, the only noise to be heard were there clothes getting put on. Budo walked out and stood in front of the changing room Ayano was in

  “Answer me Ayano" said Budo who was becoming angry with every second she wasn’t responding. Budo was about to say something but Ayano walked out with her head down.

  “I-I don’t know what came over me, okay" said Ayano “there’s nothing for you to be angry about, you have your happily ever after, you got the guy of you dreams, what else do you want" said Budo while Ayano still had her head down “and don’t worry, I’m pretty sure Oka is over Yamada now,  and if your still worried I’ll confirm it today” Ayano was confused “what do you mean tonight?” asked Ayano as she finally looked at him “well, were meeting after school, and I’ll somehow ask her who she likes” Budo began to pat her head “don’t worry, I got this, and please don’t hurt the club members,  we’re a family okay" Ayano could feel the heat rising in her face while looking at Budo’s smile. “o-okay………….but, Budo I…I Lik-"

*Ding* Budo grabs his Phone then panics “sorry Ayano, I have go meet Oka, I'm late, tell me tomorrow” And like that he was gone

“Budo, I like you" said Ayano under breath “why is it so hard to say that"

Ayano grabbed her bag and made her way to Taro, thought she didn’t have walk far since he was coming for her.

  “hey Aishi-chan, ready” asked Taro both him and Ayano were changing shoes. Ayano responded with a yes. “two tickets please” said Taro “sorry dude all sold out" said the worker “what about-" the worker cuts him off “sorry pal, all room are packed, trying coming during the weekend” Taro felt defeated. He really wanted to watch the new movie that came, and he also wanted to enjoy it with h iui s girlfriend Ayano. “let’s go in there" Ayano pointed at the café “okay" once they sit down, it’s dead quite. “so what do you like" asked Taro trying to make conversation “nothing much" said Ayano. Taro begins to ask her questions which she answers, but conversation ends with each answer she gives. “What’s your fav-" Ayano hold her hand signaling to stop talking which he did.

“let’s break up"


  It took awhile for it to finally hit him. “what!?...but why!?” asked Taro who was beginning to panic “think about it, we don’t really have anything in common, and I only asked you out on a whim, that’s not fair is it" said Ayano in a monotone voice. Taro was thinking what to say, and while in his head, Ayano left. “wait, Aishi" Taro begins to chase after her, but Ayano didn’t walk far. She just stood there staring at something, “Aishi-chan?” asked Taro as he tried to look at what she was looking at. But all he saw was Budo and Oka walking alongside each other laughing “Masuta-san?”

Ayano turns around and runs home while Taro stands there trying to figure out what happened, while subconsciously following the two.

Taro’s POV:

‘Ayano just ran off after seeing these two, but why?’ I asked myself ‘And why am I following them!?’ I yell in my head “So this is your place” said Budo as I put all my attention onto them “yeah….this is my…place" said Oka “thank you….for talking….to me" said Oka as she bowed “anytime, were both presidents after all" I try to get closer to hear them better “hey, Oka-chan… you like Yamada?” this caught my attention “well…….I used to, but not….anymore…why?” well at least she use too. I say to myself “just wondering, well anyways I better get home, see you tomorrow” said Budo as he waved to her till he was out of sight.

While I laid in my bed, I kept on thinking why did Ayano run after seeing Budo and Oka “*knock knock* hey bro, time to eat" said my sister. She used to adore me till a few months ago, it’s like she’s a different person after going to an all girl school. “Hey Hanako, can you help me answer my friends question real quick please….I’ll give you 500 yen (5$)” I said as I held out the coin which she took “what is it" I scratch the back of my head “my friends girlfriend broke up with him, but when he tried to talk to her, she looked at some other dude with a girl then ran off….what does that mean?” Hanako gave me a face that said ‘really?’ “*sigh* she obviously likes the other dude, but seeing him with another probably hurt her, anyway come down stairs before the food gets cold” said Hanako before leaving

“Aishi-san like Masuta-san!?”

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