0.1| Nightmares

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Joe's P.O.V

I had woken up in a cold sweat. It happened


I swung my legs over the side of my bed and just sat there for a moment before recollecting my thoughts and going to get a glass of water.

I quietly padded my way to the kitchen then grabbed a glass out of one of the high cupboards and turned on the tap

While waiting for the water to get cold I replayed the...nightmare in my head over and over again

" Why can’t you do anything right you ungrateful boy?, you were a mistake that never should have happened!"

Then I flinched as if a fist was coming at my eye, then noticing that the water was colder than I needed

I filled the glass about half way and threw it back as if it were nothing and headed back to bed but I couldn't sleep

The dream just racing through my head at a mile a minute. The words filling my ears as if I were hearing them right in front of me it just wouldn't stop until I forced my eyes closed while I felt tears well up behind my eyelids

After about 2 hours of lying like this I had fell asleep.

Nobody is gonna read this but whoever does thanks! This is my first fic and I'm not an incredible writer so just bare with me for now it'll probably get better now I'm rambling
-Harrison 🌹

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