26| Je t'aime pour toujours

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•Soft cuddly, cheesy content coming your way also, listen to the song while reading this.•

Joe's P.O.V

I woke up with a throbbing pain in my head and a dull ache in my throat.

I smacked my lips and my mouth was incredibly dry.

Suddenly I was hit with a wave of nausea and ran to the bathroom.

I'd rather not describe what happened next but Ben rushed into to the bathroom from the kitchen.

He leaned down next to me and stroked my back.

I hadn't had a hangover like this in years.

I didn't remember much of what happened from last night but I do remember it was Rami's wedding and I cried alot and drank a whole bottle of some kind of hard liqour.

The rest was a bit of a blur.

"Jesus, I'm never drinking like that again" I rubbed my eyes and got up to rinse my mouth out.

Ben came back into the bathroom with a pill for me to take for my headache.

I swallowed the pill and walked out into the living room.

"Hey baby, I made you some tea" Ben smiled warmly and handed me a cup of tea.

He was too good to me, I honestly didn't deserve him.

I kissed him on the cheek and sat down on the couch.

He sat next to me and pulled me to his side. I nuzzled into the crook of his neck and sighed.

I started slowly pushing him so he was laying down on the couch.

I hoisted my one leg up across his and snuggled into his chest.

I wasn't feeling so hot and I just wanted to sleep.

"Ben, do you know why it feels like there's someone stabbing me in the throat?"

He laughed and pulled his phone out.

He opened up the group chat that consisted of me, him, Gwil, Allen, Rami and Lucy.

He clicked on a video that Gwil sent to the group.

I was up on a stage, screaming the lyrics to Purple Rain and I looked like I was having the time of my life.


"Bennnn don't go, I want cuddles" I kept my hand on his wrist while he was trying to get off the couch.

"I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back I promise" 

I groaned in protest but he still got up off the couch and walked into the bathroom.

It was almost five whole minutes I was waiting for him to come back out of the bathroom. It felt like an eternity.

I sat up a little bit so he could lay back down and we could get back to cuddling.

Everytime I was sick or not feeling well I would always just get really clingy so this wasn't a new experience for Ben.

He started playing with my hair and whispered cute little things to me.



"We should go out again, not now but soon"

"mm that sounds nice"

I searched around for his other hand and once I found it I laced our fingers together and brought it up to my lips.

I placed soft kisses along his knuckles and he hummed in response.

I closed my eyes but I didn't go to sleep. I was just really relaxed and comfy.

I was amazed that Ben wasn't dragging me around outside, we had just been laying on the couch together all day.

I loosely wrapped my legs around him and traced little shapes along his chest, going all the way down to his stomach and coming back up again.


I looked up at him.


"I love you"

I sleepily smiled at him.

"I love you too."

I moved up a little bit and kissed him softly.

I pulled away and he smiled at me.

The light coming in from the window across the room hit his face perfectly.

"Benny, you're so pretty"

He blushed deeply and looked away from me.

I kissed his cheek and rested my head on his chest again.

I yawned and let my eyelids shut.

Ben placed a kiss on the top of my head and his hand slid down to my waist.

I ended up dozing off to the slow sound of Ben's heartbeat and birds chirping.

I literally cried while writing this bc I want this so bad omg.
Love ya

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