29| Rocket Man

951 47 136

Joe's P.O.V

I was just woken up from my nap on the couch to Ben screaming about something.

"Oh my god, Lucy you're joking!" Ben exclaimed.

I had no idea what he was on about.

"No, I really want you guys to come with us, it's gonna be so much fun!"

From the small bits of conversation that I heard Lucy apparently just invited us to see Elton John tomorrow but I was so tired and barely understood what was happening.

Ben ran over to me and wrapped his arms around my neck.

He covered my face with little kisses and he looked like he was gonna scream.

"Joeyyyyy we get to see Elton John!"

"I know." I replied with zero emotion in my voice.

"Sir Elton Hercules John, in the flesh!"

"Yeah, cool"

"ON VA VOIR ELTON JOHN JOSEPH!" he was literally screaming in another language at this point, just trying to get his amazing news through my thick, sleep deprived skull.

Gwil got off the couch and walked over to me.

He slapped me.

He. Slapped. Me.

I pushed Ben off of me and touched the burning side of my face.

"What the hell was that for?!"

"Obviously, you don't understand that we're going to be seeing an actual legend live, in concert TOMORROW" he hollered at me.

Then it finally, properly set in.

"Wait a second." I said quietly.

"Elton John?" I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at everyone in the room.

They all nodded in unison and looked so done with my crap.

I smiled to myself, even though I felt like an idiot.



Everyone had left within 15 minutes, probably because they were done with my tired state.

Ben however just wouldn't stop running around the apartment and squealing like a little girl.

He dug through all my records because he knew I had Empty Sky.

He brought the needle over and set it carefully on the record.

He spun around in circles before collapsing on the couch next to me.

He laid down and put his head in my lap.

He was giggling and smiling nonstop.

He pulled his phone out and held it above his face.

My phone started going off in my pocket so I looked at what it was.

3 new messages from: Ben 💞

I sighed and opened the notifications.

Ben 💞:





Ben 💞:
E l t o n J o h n

I put my phone back in my pocket and swiftly pulled Ben's phone out of his hands and set it on the coffee table.

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