20| Funeral

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Joe's P.O.V

•Time skip 1 month•

A lot has happened in the last month, Ben's officially moved in with me, Gwil and Allen are in Australia and today is Natalie's funeral.

Ben was laying in bed still and we had about an hour till we needed to be there.

I had been pacing around all morning, I was so worried about Ben.

I finally decided to wake him up, I wasn't sure how this was going to go so I just hoped it would go well.

I crouched down so I was at his face level and whispered his name.



He pulled the blanket over his face.

He thought if he couldn't see me I couldn't see him.

I pulled the blanket off of his face and tapped his nose with my index finger.

He finally gave in and sat up.

He rubbed his eyes and walked over to the closet.

He looked at his suit and swallowed hard.

I watched him pull it out of the closet and set it on the bed.

He got himself dressed and walked over to the body mirror on the other side of the room.

I watched him try to tie his tie but he was clearly struggling and kept crossing the wrong ends over eachother.

His hands dropped to his sides in defeat and he looked back at me.

I got up and went to tie it for him.

I did it right the first time which took him by surprise and he was a little mad because he couldn't do it himself.

I set my hands on his chest and looked into his eyes.

"I know that right now probably isn't the right time but you look very handsome" I whispered.

He gave me a sad smile and took my hands off his chest.


I called a taxi to drive us to the church that the funeral was being held at because it was too far of a walk.

Ben and I were waiting in the lobby for the taxi to arrive and he was nervous as ever.

His leg was bouncing up and down and he was chewing his nails which was a habit he picked up over the last month.

I pulled out my phone and some earbuds from my breast pocket.

I plugged in the earbuds and handed one to Ben.

He took it gladly and put it in his ear.

I played some Elton John until the taxi got there.

Once the taxi pulled up outside the front door I took Ben's hand and squeezed it for reassurance.

We hopped in the backseat and I gave him our destination.

Ben was looking out the window with his lips slightly parted and he looked deep in thought.

I left him alone for now, I think that's what he wanted anyway.


We were at the church within 20 minutes.

I paid the driver and gave him a little bit of a tip before climbing out of the car with ben.

We stood in front of the open doors for a moment.

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