0.3| Friends

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Joe's P.O.V

After about half an hour of walking aimlessly to the park I stopped off at a coffee shop to get a quick cup of tea.


While waiting in the line for my tea I started getting more and more anxious as it was soon to be my turn to order.

I still have trouble with social situations, especially talking to people.

As I watched the line move in front of me, my breathing starting getting heavier and faster.

I was going to have a panic attack.

I stood there sweating as it was my turn to order, I took my hands out of my pockets and started fidgeting with them as my eyes darted all around the small coffee shop I was trying my hardest to look at anything but the barista who was trying to take my order.

I barely heard what he said until he raised his voice which made me flinch

I can't stand people yelling...

"Mister! You're holding up the line are you going to order or not?" His words echoed through my head.

I closed my eyes tightly for a moment and tried one of the breathing exercises my friend Gwilym taught me

Once I had calmed down I finally ordered. Thank god

"I-I'll get just an earl grey tea with 1 sugar" I stuttered but it didn't go as terrible as I thought it was going to go.

I watched as the barista put in my order then I handed him a five dollar bill and went to sit down until they called my name.

I sat at my table playing with my hands until I heard the bell on the coffee shop door ring.

I looked over to see who it was and it was my friend Lucy

I smiled warmly as she walked over to my table.

"Hello, Joe" she said softly as she sat down in front of me.

"Hey, Lucy" I was really excited that I got to see her, I didn't see my friends much as I don't go out much, even if they invite me I'm most likely going to turn it down but they're okay with it at this point. They know about my situation


We talked for about five-ish minutes until I heard someone shout my name, which oddly enough didn't bother me

I went over to the counter and grabbed my tea and sat back down with Lucy

"So, Joe, Gwil invited me over and he said Rami was going to be there also, would you like to tag along?"

I thought about it for a hot second then I just nodded.

It would be nice to see my friends again.


After I finished my tea Lucy and I headed out the door to walk to Gwilym's apartment.

While we were walking I got distracted by this colourful flower shop with a big chalkboard sign that read

'Sale! 35% off on roses'

I love roses.

I quickly asked Lucy if we could pop into the store quickly just look around to which she obliged.

We walked around the small shop, sticking our noses in all sorts of flowers. That was until I noticed this pink rose, something about it drew me towards it.

It reminded me of my mom

She grew flowers every summer when I was little. Before everything went bad.


I walked over the that section of flowers and looked at the small bouquet laid out in front of me.

I looked at them for a moment until I remembered what I was doing, I smiled slightly at the flowers and walked back out of the shop with Lucy


We were at Gwil's apartment in no time after our flower endeavour.

I knocked on the door lightly.

I heard footsteps come towards the door and I was already smiling before the door even opened.

I heard the small creak of the door opening and looked up to meet Gwil's eyes.

A large smile appeared on my lips as Gwil brought me into a tight hug.

I was so indescribably happy. I haven't felt that way in so long.

Today was almost perfect.

Ok, well that was fun and I'm just gonna say a simple thanks for reading once again
Harrison 🌹

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