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Joe's P.O.V

"I can't believe you got us lost" Gwil pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head at Ben.


We're lost?

I brought my lip between my teeth and bit down hard.

I started tapping the sidewalk with my foot.

I was getting all anxious and antsy again.

I was already nervous about Boston since I've never been here and now we're lost, yup my little getaway is going according to plan.

I pursed my lips and looked down at the ground.

I was just trying to not exist while Gwil and Ben we're yelling at eachother, Gwil was already having a bad day so it was easy to tick him off.

Both Allen and I were standing there awkwardly while the other two boys were causing a scene which was quite unnecessary.

"Ben, you could just use Google maps" I piped up.

He gave me an okay sign and started talking to Gwil again, like a civilized human being.

He whipped out his phone and checked where we were.

Turns out we were only four blocks from the bakery we were literally just at.

Gwil quickly apologized and we started walking again.

Ben was at my side again and gave me one of the most innocent looks I've ever seen.

"Joeeeeeee" he whined.

"Yessssssss" I mocked his tone.

"Are you sure we can't go whale watching?"

"I'm very sure"


I cut him off by putting a finger to his lips before he could say anything else.

I hated boats, I wasn't going on a boat and nothing was going to change that. Not even Ben.


We were still roaming around being absolutely clueless and Gwil bought a map from a convenience store but he couldn't figure out how to fold it back up so he just threw the whole thing away in the nearest bin.

Ben was very enticed by whatever was on his phone.

I knew he was looking at stuff to do in Boston but I had no idea what exactly he was looking at.

He looked up and his eyes filled with excitement.

"Guys, they have a duck tour"

First whales, now ducks?

I'm not going on some boat in a polluted river just to look at ducks when you can see them in Central park.

Nobody acknowledged that he even spoke and he looked quite sad about it.

I took his hand in mine and took note of the fact that his nails were still painted black.

I smiled and continued walking with everyone else.

I heard footsteps up behind me and someone put their hands on my shoulders.

I turned to see who it was.

It was Rami and Lucy.

"Aren't you supposed to be on some tour thing?" I asked.

"It was over in like an hour so I got Allen to text me your location and I managed to find you nerds" he explained.

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