18| Across The Universe

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Joe's P.O.V
Short chapter•

Ben ended up falling into a sad nap but it wasn't very long until he woke up.

He stirred awake and looked up at me with his eyes squinted.

"Good morning" I whispered.

He smiled even though it was just a little bit it still felt good knowing that I could make him smile right now.

He rubbed his eyes and then fully opened them.

His eyes were still red and puffy from crying and he just looked exhausted but I didn't blame him.

"Joey, can you sing something for me?" He voice was dry from having just woken up and crying.

I quickly thought of a tune and started humming the intro guitar riff.

Across The Universe by The Beatles.

I knew that Ben liked that song and I would sing it for him sometimes when he was sad.

Words are flowing out
Like endless rain into a paper cup

He used his fingers to tap along to the rhythm on my chest.

They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind
Possessing and caressing me.

I looked down at him as we got to the chorus

Jai guru deva om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world

He put a finger to my lips as a signal for me to be quiet now.

Sometimes he would want me to sing the whole song and other times he just wanted the chorus.

He cuddled into my side and locked our fingers together.

The whole atmosphere was calm and quiet but it wasn't silent, there were sounds coming from the busy streets outside and birds chirping but there was a melancholy cloud that was hanging over the both of us.

It was like a shade of grey was cast over the normally yellow and purple shades.

I always associated Ben with royal purple and myself with yellow.

I never knew why I associated people with colours, I just thought of it as a thing I did and nothing more than that.

I rolled onto my side so I was facing him and pressed my forehead to his.

I wiped the single tear that was running down his face away with my thumb and kissed his cheek.

His hand trailed down from the side of my neck to my waist and he pulled me closer to him.

He nuzzled his face into my shoulder and sighed.

I was lost in thought.

I didn't know Natalie very well but I had a conversation with her after his last skating competition and she just absolutely adored him and he would talk about how much he's grown and how well he would always do. She seemed like such a beautiful soul and overall good person.


Ben and I laid there for hours, remembering Natalie, hugging and kissing until he got up to use the bathroom.

I didn't think much of it since it's a normal thing for a person to do but I was slightly suspicious.

He seemed nervous for the last 10-ish minutes and he was shaking  but he also seemed a little sick today so I didn't think much of it.

I tried to shrug it off and calm myself down.

But then the minutes started passing.

5 minutes

He still wasn't out

10 minutes

Still nothing

15 minutes

Nothing at all.

I pushed myself off the couch and went to see if everything was okay.

As I got closer and closer to the door I heard swearing and weeping.

I put my ear against the door and listened for a minute.

I couldn't just sit there anymore, I needed to do something.

Rather than barging in I knocked lightly on the door.

"Ben? Is everything alright?" I spoke quietly but didn't get a response.

This was gonna be soft af but tHaT jUsT diDn'T hAppEn

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