15| Boston

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Joe's P.O.V

"Welcome to Boston Massachusetts"

I read the sign that we passed as we made it to the big city.

I had never been to Boston before so I had no idea what we were doing.

Rami already booked a hotel for all of us which was quite nice of him.

Ben and I were sharing a room, Gwil and Allen were also sharing a room and theirs was right next to ours but Rami and Lucy's room was on a higher floor of the hotel.

Knowing him he's probably trying to impress her since the view on the higher floors was nicer.

It was late when we got there and we were gonna just go to the hotel and get rest for tomorrow but Allen had the idea to take us all to a bar.

He offered to pay so I didn't turn his idea down.

Once we got into the bar we all sat down at a booth and ordered our drinks.

I got a Heineken, Ben got some sort of whiskey and Allen and Gwil ordered a whole bottle of red wine.

Lucy and Rami were sitting at their own table with their drinks and were giggling at something.

Allen asked questions like how I got to know all my friends and it's a classic story of meeting in highschool and never drifting apart.

Except Gwil and Lucy ended up going to Cardiff for college so Rami and I grew even closer during that period of time since we still just went to the same college in New York.


It wasn't long until Gwil and Allen were already half done the bottle of wine sitting on the table and were just sitting there making goo-goo eyes at eachother and laughing for no reason.

I checked the time on the tv across the bar.

9:17 PM

It wasn't very late but since Rami most likely had plans for us to do some fancy thing in Boston tomorrow I thought it would be best if we went back to the hotel.

Ben called a taxi and we went to the hotel.

It was a fairly quiet drive, since we just spent 3 hours in a van with 4 other people and were constantly talking or screaming songs.

Once we got back Ben unlocked our door and I set my bag next to the bed and sat down.

I eventually just laid down and sprawled out across the bed.

Ben came over and laid next to me.

"What a day, huh" you could hear his smile while he was talking.

I nodded and sighed.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned, I decided I should actually put on some pajamas rather than just falling asleep right then and there.

I grabbed my pajamas out of my bag and changed quickly.

I laid back down next to Ben and he looked over at me.

Our moment was quickly interrupted by giggling and what sounded like something falling over.

I got up and looked out the peephole in the door.

Gwil and Allen just got back and were absolutely hammered.

I looked to see what fell over and it was a plant that was sitting in the hallway, obviously one of them knocked it over but it was most likely Gwilym because even when he's sober he doesn't know how to control his limbs.

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