0.2| Him

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Joe's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning quite peacefully to the sound of birds chirping on the frost covered trees.

I sat up and stretched then hopped put of bed.

I walked to the kitchen and flicked on the kettle to make a simple cup of tea. Today was chamomile

While waiting for the water to boil I had the genius idea to go out today. Just a simple walk to the park would clear my mind

I heard the kettle start to scream then I flicked it off again and poured the water into my cup slowly.

I leaned against the counter with my cup of tea just looking out the window at the beautiful morning. It was the first time in a long time that I'd actually enjoyed waking up

Once I finished my cup of tea I practically skipped to my room to get an outfit for today's walk. I picked a nice striped button up and some black jeans with a brown belt. Perfect

I had this odd feeling rush through me as I slipped my shirt over my head. A feeling as if today was going to go my way, a feeling like I'd be okay.


I grabbed a heavier coat and multicolored scarf on my way out since today was supposed to be a bit colder than normal. I turned around to lock my apartment door but that's when something or rather someone caught my eye.

He had a fair build with short blond hair and these eyes that reminded me of spearmint gum, they were such a brilliant green.

I snapped myself out of my little trance when I remembered what I was doing then I continued to finish locking up my door then I headed to the elevator.


I pressed the button for the elevator then noticed who was standing next to me.


I ended up staring at him for a good moment, just taking in his features. He made me forget what I was even doing until he looked over at me and saw me staring. I just gave him a friendly smile and looked away.

Why? Joseph why?

The elevator arrived after what felt like an eternity then we stepped in at the same time.

I pressed the main floor button for the both of us and we headed down in silence.

Once we made it down to the main floor he gave me a small smile and held his hand out for me to shake it.

"Ben" he said as I shook his hand
"Joe" I replied, smiling

Ben...Ben I like that...I could get used to that


I walked out the front door of my apartment building and got on with my walk.

I put my hands in my coat pockets as I walked to the park calmly, feeling the cool spring breeze against my face which made me smile softly to myself.

Today was going to be a good day.

AAAAA this is so bad I'm sorry I'm gonna keep it short and sweet and just say a simple thanks for reading :)

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