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"Yah, Kim Jiyeon!" Junkyu yelled at his little sister who's still in bed after several tries of waking her up. "Jiyeon it's your first day in this school."

She groaned as she smack Junkyu's arm "whAT DO YOU WANT?" He just looked at her with open mouth and wide eyes, shocked that she is the one who's mad right now. He let her understand the situation and.. She cursed as she hurriedly stood up and ran to her bathroom. "five minutes Jiyeon and I'll leave you!" Junkyu reminded her.

"YAH wait for me or else!" She replied inside the bathroom.

Junkyu can't do anything cause first, their mom would kill him if he leaves her, second, she'll kill him.


"OKAY let's go." She said right after she got ready. Junkyu said his goodbye to their mom while Jiyeon ran outside right away and they walked to YG High together.

First step inside the school, Jiyeon felt so good that finally she's now able to enter her dream school, thanks to her brother Junkyu. "Don't do reckless things, sis." He reminded his sister. She tilted her head trying to figure out what he means. "I mean, first, you gotta listen carefully to your teacher okay? So you won't miss out. Second, don't be such a bad girl."

She rolled her eyes when she heard Junkyu's explanation "can't promise."


"No, bro." She said not even looking at Junkyu.

"Kim Jiyeon."

"Whatever. Gotta blast!" She ran away and left Junkyu worried because of her behavior. He just went on his way to find his own classroom and not worry about Jiyeon.


"Should we go to the arcade this weekend?" Keita asked.

"I don't think I can come with you guys.. I might just stay at home." Yedam replied, right hand at the back of his neck rubbing it. "Sorry." He added.

"Hyung, just come this once. You really don't go out with us." Doyoung tries to convince Yedam who's pursing his lips in a thin line. "I'll think of it." Yedam smiled.

Seconds later, the whole class went to their proper seats as the class adviser comes with someone new.

"Good Morning to you, students." The adviser greeted with a smile.
"Good Morning Ms. Park." Yedam greeted.

"You have a new classmate!" She announced. She looked at the new girl, and told her to introduce herself.

The girl stepped forward "Umm. I'm Kim Jiyeon. I don't know how else to introduce myself just- Don't bother me, arasso?" She raised her eye brows as she said the last word.

"She reminds me of someone."
"She looks like Junkyu oppa."

As she heard those whisperings,, "Oh I look like Junkyu? He's my brother. Yah,, come near him or I'll beat you up. No girls come near my brother got me?"

"Okay, Jiyeon you.. you can now take an empty seat." Ms. Park smiled at her. Jiyeon searched for a seat and she found the only seat available.

"Hyung, good luck to you." Doyoung told Yedam as he pats his shoulder. Seconds later he felt presence on his left side.


"Kim Jiyeon-ssi?" The teacher called out for her name. She walked towards the teacher. "Since you are new here, you still have to get these things to complete your needs as a YG High student." She gave Jiyeon a piece of paper "you can go to the student council's office after class to get all of that." Ms. Park smiled at her and she just nodded her head and went back to her seat.

"Yah, seatmate." She started "do you know where is the student council office located?"

Yedam did not dare to look at her or pay attention to her. He just proceeded to his drawing.



"Uhh what?" He looked straight at her eyes. "Are you deaf? I said where is the-."

"You can come with me later after class." He smiled and put his attention back to his drawing.

She rolled her eyes "Psh. Nerd."


"Hurry up.. I have to go somewhere else." Yedam told her.

"JUST— wait." She hurriedly fixed her stuff inside her bag, they aren't even organized at all. "Okay let's go." They walked their way to the SC office to get some things. Including their gym outfits.

After they got what they need, they went out together but Jiyeon left Yedam and just walked away. "Kim Jiyeon!!" He called out. She stopped "WHAT?" She asked, one brow raised. "No thank you's?"

"UGH." She just rolled her eyes and walked away. Again, no thank you's. "How rude of her." He heard a voice said which surprised him. "You're here?"

"Duh. We were following you since you came out of the classroom." Keita winked at Yedam.

"She said 'don't bother me, arasso?' But she's the one who bothered our dami." Doyoung said. "She needed help, Doyoung."

"Junkyu hyung is her brother, she could've just asked him."

"Anyways are you coming with us?" Keita asked


"Junkyu hyung and Jihoon hyung will come too!"


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