Mercenary Neo

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A/N: When you are 'speaking' over your smartphone it'll be like this.

(y/n): "Hello"

And when you use sign language it'll be like this

(y/n): "Hello"

Enjoy the story.




(y/n) POV

Growing up on the streets wasn't easy.

Ever since I can remember I lived on the streets, no mother, father or siblings, no nothing, just little old me. Or should I say young?

Being mute and having, brown and pink hair/eyes made it even more difficult, but I prevailed.

I had to steal, I had to kill, I had to swindle, but it paid out in the end. I was so good at it, that people started to appear at 'my doorstep', wanting to hire me for my abilities and Quirk.

My Quirk allows me to create a perfect illusion that can be seen by everyone. My illusions are so perfect they pass as real and shatter like glass when someone dispels them or destroys them.

I use them to conceal my real position in a fight and strike my enemies from their blind spots.

It's useful for infiltration missions too, since I can change my hair colour, eye colour and skin tone, giving me a completely new look.

My fighting style relies on speed and paired with my reflexes make me an extremely difficult target to hit.

My weapon of choice is an umbrella that contains a long thin blade in the tube. A button at the hilt projects a blade at the tip of my umbrella.

I remember my first payday. It was a wonderful day and taught me the importance of money. Like I knew it beforehand but that strengthened it. Money soon became my favourite thing in the world.

It was dethroned by the first thing I bought with it.

Ice cream!!!!!!!

More specifically Neapolitan ice cream. Quite ironic when I think about it.

Anyway, I loved (I still love) it so much I gave myself the surname Neopolitan. I put an 'o' where an 'a' is, I like it more like that.

So, my name went from just (y/n), too (y/n) Neopolitan. Got a nice ring to it.

I honed my skills and became, not a Villain, nor a Hero, I became a mercenary.

As long as the pay was good I did it. Not in a 'sell my body' type of way of course.

So, I work for Heroes and Villains alike, and I became a double-edged sword for both sides.

My mercenary name is Neo, because of my resemblance to the ice cream.

My mercenary name is Neo, because of my resemblance to the ice cream

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