One Day...

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(y/n) POV

It's been 3 days since my meeting with Shino.... my mother, the shocking realisation that I'm her actual son, I mean I suspected it but it's still a shocker and that Aizawa-Sensei's my father.

I can't believe it... I mean I know that he's... lazy, an asshole sometimes... ok, nearly all the time but he's actually really responsible and cares for his students, though he may not show it...

Wait a sec, Aizawa-Sensei found Midoriya and Bakugo fighting...

Shino muttered something about amends when I told her that he's training me...

Is... he looking out for me?

Is that the reason why no one found me sneaking out? He must've known it is me otherwise he would've told someone if a stranger's on the UA grounds, or I really wasn't seen...

It also explains why he trained me and why he lied about my strange injury... it's his way of making amends for his actions of the past, somewhat at least... Maybe even a weird way of getting closer to Shino?

Urgh, this is too much to think about, I'm getting a headache... wait a moment doesn't that mean I almost killed my father? You know what? Just don't think about it (y/n), just don't think about it.

Also, Midoriya's finally free of his house arrest.

Midoriya: "I APOLOGISE FOR THE INCONVENIENCE I CAUSED!!!" he apologises bowing motivated.

Uraraka: "Deku, thank YOU for the hard labour!!" she thanks him bubbly, making me smile, she really is a precious ray of sunshine.

Jirou: "Hard labour, huh... Hey, why are you so out of breath?" she asks the heavy breathing Midoriya, who sprints in front of Iida's desk.


Iida: "Oh... as long as you reflected on your wrongdoings... what's the matter?"

Midoriya: "I'M GOING TO BRIDGE THE GAP BETWEEN US FROM THE LAST THREE DAYS!!!" he yells extremely motived, releasing air like a bull.

Jesus, Midoriya, it's only been 3 days, calm down. I'd love to have 3 days off school.

Kirishima: "OHHH!!! NICE!! I like that attitude."

Moments later Aizawa-Sensei enters the classroom and the bell rings, and I look at him with a conflicted gaze.

He's my father...

This is weird...

I'll have to figure out my feelings about him.

Aizawa: "Now that Midoriya has returned, let's formally talk about the internships" he tells us and looks at the class door. "Come in" he says, and we look at the door, which opens.

Aizawa: "Let's hear first-hand from those with personal experience, how these internships are different from field training. They have made time in their busy schedules to talk to you all, so please listen to what they have to say. These three third-years, rank among the top of all UA students. They're also known as... The Big Three" he announces as three people enter our classroom, positioning themselves in front of the blackboard.

To our right is a male Senpai with indigo hair and eyes, who is about 1.77 metres in height.

In the middle is a female Senpai with long periwinkle hair, like VERY long, her eye colour is blue, and she is about 1.64 metres in height.

To our left is a male Senpai with blond hair and blue eyes, he's about 1.81 metres in height.

Aizawa: "Alright, could you all give us a brief self-introduction? Starting with... you, Amakaji" he calls out the indigo haired boy.

The Ice-cream Mercenary (BNHA x Male Neo Reader)Where stories live. Discover now