(If only she knew) and this is so Awkward...

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Shouka POV

He killed him.

He just killed him in cold blood.

That bastard...

Neo, the Mercenary.

He has committed many horrendous acts, for what?

For money.

I swear that I WILL stop Neo.

No matter how long it takes.

But those pink and brown eyes....

Where have I seen those before?


(A/N: The next scene is after the talk with the police officer. Shouka, Izuku and Tenya still get off scot-free but the whole exchange was a lot heavier. I'm too lazy to write it so yeah... Sorry!)

I'm sitting on a hospital bed, remembering last night.

I get a text and see that it is (y/n)-kun.

(y/n): "I heard what happened in Hosu. Are you fine? Any injuries?" he wrote, and a small smile graces my lips.

I'm happy to have a kind and caring friend like him.

(A/N: Oh honey, if you knew, if only you knew!)

Shouka: "I've got a few injuries but they aren't that bad. But I think I'm cursed" I answer.

(y/n): "That's good to hear. Cursed? What do you mean cursed?"

Shouka: "Well, whenever I'm involved, people get their hands messed up, like Midoriya at the Sports Festival and now, or Iida and I.... It's like I'm the... Hand Crusher."

(y/n): "Hand Crusher??? HA HAHAHAHAHAHA!! How cute Shouka. Never knew you could make such jokes. Well gotta go. 13-sensei needs me, so see you at school. And make a fast recovery."

Shouka: "Thanks. See you at school."

I put my phone away and Midoriya comes back in.

When I told Iida and Midoriya about the whole Hand Crusher thing they laughed as well.

But what do they mean... it's a joke?

I really am the Hand Crusher.


(y/n) POV

The internships are over, and I'm sitting in class, my head on my desk, listening to my classmates.

Bakugo has gone and gotten himself a perfect 2:8 hair ratio. It exploded right into place when he snapped at Red Hair and Tape Boi.

Ashido, Jack Ears and Frog Girl were talking about their experience, while the cutie skin-tight has awakened her inner demon. Grape Head had some traumatising experience at Mt. Lady and Pikachu was spoiled at his internship.

Pikachu: "But if you wanna talk about the worst and or best experience, then it's gotta be you three" he says pointing to the desk next to me.

Tape Boi: "Ah yeah the Hero Killer, right? Wasn't Neo also there at one point?"

Well Endowed: "I was so worried."

Red Hair: "I'm just glad you're alive. But Endeavour came and saved you right?"

Shouka: "Yeah, he saved us.... Unfortunately, only us... Native was killed and we couldn't do anything about it" she says head hanging low.

The mood dampens a little.

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