New Boss, Base and Teammates/I.... *SLAP* Can't!

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(y/n) POV

Roman Torchwick?

An unusual name...

For Japan at least.

His name seems familiar, though.

Anyway, seeing that he isn't a real threat I sheath my umbrella blade and get out my phone.

(y/n): "Roman Torchwick, huh? Well, what does a 'Renowned Gentleman' such as yourself want from a 'Renowned Mercenary' such as I?" I ask with a sharp-ish gaze, dripping my text with sarcasm.

Roman: "Alright, stop the sarcasm. Anyway, the answer is easy, I want to hire you!" he informs me casually.

(y/n): "And.... Couldn't you just send me a text? I mean you found my secondary hideout so finding my number must be a child's play for you!" I ask kinda confused.

Roman: "Are you joking? Please tell me you're joking!" he responds, but he sighs realising that I have no idea what he's talking about. "Christ, kid... just check your messages. After what you pulled today, you must have thousands of job offers... Ok thousands is a bit much, but you know what I mean" he informs me, and I check my phone, my eyes nearly dropping out of their sockets.

(y/n): "WHAT IS THIS??? Why do I have so many job offers? Jesus Christ there's more than 100..." I type baffled.

Roman: "You really have no idea, huh? Well, let's says someone filmed your little... screw that, extraordinary revelation and escape from the Heroes, you did today. Search for 'Neo's Impossible Escape' or something. There is a video" he informs me, and I do just that.

Neo's Impossible Escape...

There! A video.

Starting the video, I skim through it instead of watching it all.

What the hell?

It's all there, from the moment Heroes surrounded me until the moment I ran into the street full of shops.

But who recorded this?

Was it the League?

It certainly could be since they want to give UA a bad image...

With a tiny frown I close the browser and give Roman my full attention again.

(y/n): "Good to know that I won't be running out of jobs anytime soon. Well, tell me, why should I accept your job? What makes you more special than the others?" I ask with an interested look.

Roman: "A few things, firstly, none of the others actually tried to locate your location and relied on a petty text to hire you, secondly I have a vision, a vision far greater than what most people have and for that I need professionals, people like yourself. What I have planned is... a revolution!!! I could go into detail, however if you want to know more... accept my offer and you'll be rewarded greatly" he responds with great charisma, a confident voice and spreading his arms. Suddenly ...I realise where I recognise his name from.

(y/n): "Now I know where I heard of you, you were very active in Europe, where you wreaked havoc like there's no tomorrow, until suddenly you disappeared, but not after leaving behind trails of blood and destruction!" I type with an impressed look.

Roman: "Glad to hear that my actions have reached far East Asia. Yes, I, Roman Torchwick, changed Europe in a significant way and... Japan is next! That's why I ask you, Neo, the Ice-Cream Mercenary! Join me on my quest to shake Japan and it's Hero System from the ground up!! YOU CAN BE SO MUCH MORE THAN A SIMPLE MERCENARY!!! YOU CAN BE... A LEADER!! BY MY SIDE YOU, WE, WILL BRING DESTRUCTION AND CHAOS TO JAPAN!!!" he yells with a passion and a glint of Evil in his eyes, before catching his breath slightly. "So, what do you say? Partners?" he asks with a confident voice holding out one hand, and an evil smile covers my face.

The Ice-cream Mercenary (BNHA x Male Neo Reader)Where stories live. Discover now