Freal like me (chapter 10)

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{Sonny's p.o.v.} 

After training, I was so sore, I limped to go sit on the couch with Mikey. “So, Mikey, tell me about April.” “April!” Donnie exclaimed and looked around him but spotted us on the couch. “Sorry,” he mumbled. He went into his lab and shut the big metal door behind him. 

“He really misses her”, Mikey sighed as he turned back to me, “I mean we all miss her, but he took it the hardest.” Mikey looked really upset so I decided to change the subject. 

“Hey, why don't we play some more videogames instead,” I suggested to cheer him up, “you can tell me about her some other time.” Mikey perked right up at the mention of videogames, “Okay!” He rushed over to the TV to set it up. 

I really wanted to learn more about April, but Mikey probably wasn't the best turtle to talk to. In the short time that I've known the guys, I've become very attached to them. Mikey felt like a little brother to me, and I hated to see him sad. I wonder if I had a little brother before I got mutated…

Anyway, being serious was just not in Mikey's nature, maybe I could talk to Leo. 

“Come on, Sonny, do you want to play or not?” Mikey asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I smiled at him, “Of course! Hand me a controller!” 

Mikey tossed it to me and we started the game. 

{Donnie's p.o.v.} 

I shut the door to my lab and walked over to my desk. I slouched down in my chair and picked up my drawing pad. I've never shown anybody my work, I don't want my brothers to make fun of them, they already tease me enough. 

I flipped through my pictures, most of them were of April. I looked up at my computer screen and noticed that I had left my unfinished formula for the retro-mutagen up. I sighed and looked back down at one of my drawings of April. I'll turn your dad back to normal, April, I promise. 

Tonight, the guys and I will have to go topside to patrol and search for some mutagen canisters. Maybe Sonny could come along, I thought. I flipped to a blank page, picked up a pencil, and started drawing. 

When I finished, I stopped to admire my work. It was a light sketch of Sonny curled up in a ball, sleeping. 

“I wonder what she looked like when she was human, no doubt she must have been even cuter. Wait, what?!” I exclaimed. I heard Mikey and Sonny's muffled screams at the TV and shoved my drawing pad into one of the drawers of my desk and leaned back in my seat. 

“Maybe once I make enough retro-mutagen for Mr. O'Neil, I could make some for Sonny too. That way, she might regain her memories and will be able to get back to her family, who I'm sure misses her.” I said to myself. 

For some reason though, the thought of Sonny leaving made me feel sad, like the feeling I had when I watched April leave. Weird…   


So, yeah, Donnie just might have some feelings for Sonny :) 

Sorry the chapters are so short but you know whatcha gonna do. Please Comment, Vote and Share! 

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