Chapter 31

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{Sonny's p.o.v.}

"Sonny!" Donnie called as he ran across the roofs toward me.

"Stay back!" I shouted.

He stopped when he reached the roof I was standing on and smiled at me, "I'm so glad you're okay!"

He started walking toward me but I stepped back every step he took foreward, "I said to stay back," I shouted, "I don't want to hurt you!"

He stopped and looked me in the eyes, his red-brown eyes looked so sad but kind. "Sonny," he said in a gentle tone, "I know you won't hurt me." He took another step foreward, "You're just confused, in pain, let me help you." He kept coming foreward until he was just a few feet in front of me. He held out his hand, "Come back home, Sonny," I could see he was trying hard not to cry, "please, we miss you, I miss you."

I glanced down at his hand, I wanted to go with him. I wanted to go back to the lair, back to the guys, back home...

I heard footsteps and looked over Donnie's shoulder to see Leo, Mikey, and Raph heading our way. They were all here.

My mind flashed to the nightmare I had last night, the blood on my claws, their blood. Tears escaped my grasp as I looked back at Donnie, still waiting for me to take his hand, and I stepped back to the edge of the roof.

"No, I'm sorry, I can't. I can't risk it." I turned and jumped over to the next roof.

"Sonny," Donnie started, but I interupted him.

"It's best if you just forget about me."

I started running, shouts from the turtles sounded behind me, but I ignored them. I focused on the sound of the wind rushing past me. I zig-zaged inbetween vents and across buildings, trying to loose them.

Centrel Park, I can loose them in Centrel Park.

Adreniline rushed through me at the thought of escaping this concrete jungle, even for a little bit, giving me a burst of speed. Soon, the park was in view. I stopped at the edge of a building, looking down at the park below. That was a long jump from here to the first big tree.

I looked back behind me and saw that the turtles were gaining on me, Donnie in the lead. I looked back down at the tree and bunched my muscles, preparing to jump.

"Sonny, no!" Donnie called.

I pushed off.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion. I soared over the street, unseen by the cars passingby below. I reached out towards the tree, praying I make it. The tree got closer and closer, until finally my claws gripped the bark! My claws dug into the tree and made long skratch marks as decent came to an abrupt stop. I let out a pained hiss and just clung to the tree. Hot tears rolled down my cheeks, it seemed as if everything hurt!

That wasn't such a good idea, I scolded myslef, but I have to keep going!

With some difficulty, I got my claws out of the bark and jumped down onto the grass below. I looked around to make sure no humans were nereby before I darted into the shadows.

Gotta hide, gotta hide.

I dashed from tree to tree, searching for shelter. That's when I remembered the little cove, I'm the only one who knows about it! I won't have to hide there long, just until I'm sure that I lost the turtles.

I made my way towards the lake, following the scent of water. I spotted the rocks and dashed over to the shore. I plunged into the water and swam to the crack in the pile. I squeezed my way in and stopped to catch my breath. Panting, I slowly made my way to the back of the dark cramped space, it seemed smaller than before.

I flopped down once I reached semi-dry rock and lay panting, my fur soaked, my stomach empty. Well, isn't this a familiar feeling?

I lifted my head at the sound of voices. They were faint at first, but gradually got louder.


That was Donnie





"Where are ya?"


I curled up into a ball, making myself as small as possible. Their desperate calls echoing in the small cove, ringing in my ears. I flattened my ears to my head, trying to block it out, but it didn't work.





Over and over again!

Make it stop! Please stop!

Never-ending tears cascaded down my face. I want to answer them, tell them I'm here! But something is holding me back, I don't fully understand it...Maybe Donnie was right. I am confused, in pain, I don't know what I'm even doing half the time! I need help, I need them!

What you need is to be wild!

Not you again! I'm beginning to think you are the source of my problems!

Remember, I'm a figment of your imagination. You know, ever since you went kinda crazy.


So, really, you're just holding yourself back.

I thought about this.

What exactly am I holding back?

You're not excepting who you are. You need to do that before you can go back to the turtles. You're keeping your wild side caged! You need to let it free before you can ever truly be happy with yourself, to not be afraid of yourself!

I let out a bug yawn and curled my tail around myself. Dried tears now stained my face, I was both physically and emotionally exhausted. Soon enough I fell asleep, the turtles' voices still ringing in my ears.

Hey, what do you think?
Fair warning, next chapter there will be a big time skip!
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