Chapter 25

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{Sonny's p.o.v}

After I finished cleaning, I headed back upstairs. The lights were still turned on so I turned them off, I heard light snoring coming from the bed. I guess Mr. Murikami went to bed. Well, it is 4 in the morning.

I stepped lightly so as not to disturb him. I was about to find a comfy spot on the couch when I looked over at the bathroom. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've taken an actual shower since I was mutated. I mean, I've cleaned myself frequently but not with like soap and water. I wrinkled my nose at the thought and rushed to the bathroom.

I stepped into the bathroom, turned on the lights, and closed the door. I noticed how everything had a specific place, and made a mental not to put everything back the way I found it afterward.

I turned on the water and waited until it was warm enough before stepping in. I stood right under the shower head and let the water soak my long hair. It was so relaxing...until I realized that all this wet fur was really weighing me down and was clinging to my body. Now I know why cats hate baths.

I continued with my shower, but it took longer than I expected. It was really hard to get in between the toes of my paws and at times it was really slippery and hard to keep my balance. By the time I had fully dried off, I looked out the window to see that the sky was starting to lighten. Mr. Murikami was still sleeping peacefully though.

I put the dirty towels in a bin and flopped down on the couch. I just got comfortable when an alarm went off! I hissed at the loud noise and covered my ears. Mr. Murikami jolted awake and turned the alarm off. He stood up and stretched.

"You sure do get up early, Mr. Murikami. The sun isn't even up." I grumbled.

He chuckled, "Good morning to you to, Sonny. I guess you didn't get much sleep?"

"I havn't slept at all," I replied, "I figured I'd have all day to do that."

"Well, do you still want some breakfast?"

"Sure, why not."

I followed him downstairs and he turned on the lights.

"What would you like?"

I shrugged, "Meh, whatever you have."

"How about ham and eggs?"

"Sounds good."

I took a seat as he started cooking. A few minutes later, it was done and I was eating the most delicious ham ever!

"Thank you again, Mr. Murikami."

He nodded and continued eating.

Once we finished and cleaned up, Mr. Murikami shooed me back upstairs. "I'm going to open up so just stay upstairs. I'll come check up on you in a few hours."

I went upstairs and started over the couch, but stopped when I passed by the window. The sun was half way above the buildings, so I stopped to watch. I know why I like the sunrise better than the sunset. I always thought about how the sun comes up to banish the night, but the night eventually sollows up the sun again. The cycle just keeps repeating itself, never ending. The night has it's own beauty though, but before, I disliked the night because that's when my parents usually came home.

I sighed and went back to the couch. I curled up into a ball and curled my tail around myself. I almost immediatly fell asleep.

{Donnie's p.o.v.}

It was eerily quiet in the lair. Everybody had gone to their rooms, but I just laid there and stared at the ceiling, thinking about what Leo said. He said that she doesn't want to be found, and I knew in my head that that was true. She's in pain though, doesn't she want to be consoled. Leo also said that I love her. Is that true as well? Yes, yes I think it is. Does she have the same feelings for me though?

I sat upright. Maybe she does. If she does, than maybe I could tell her how I feel and she'll come back!

Wait...why didn't I do that when April left? I knew the answer to that too.

It's because I never really loved her, I just had a crush on her.

I laid back down on my bed.

We'll go out again tonight, and we're going to find her.

Soon, my world was enevolpedin darkness and I fell asleep.

Hey! So I'm mainly going to focus on this story for a while because I have writer's block for my other ones, but that's good for you guys! Please, Comment, Vote, and Share!

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