Chapter 11

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{Sonny's p.o.v.}

"Come on, Sonny!" Leo called.

I was standing at the edge of a tall building looking down, the guys were on the next building over. "I-I don't think I can do this." I said as I stepped away from the edge.

"Come on, kitty, it's easy!"

"Shut up, Raph!" I hissed.

"There's nothing to worry about, Sonny," Donnie explained, "cats are naturally skilled jumpers."

"Yeah, well are humans? Cause I'm part human too!"

"Just trust your feline abilities. I know you can do!" Donnie reassured.

I sighed, "Okay, I'm trusting you."

I took a few steps back and got down on all fours.

Okay, Sonny, you got this. Just run as fast as you can and leap!

I ran at full sprint and closed my eyes as I pushed off. I landed on solid surface and opened my eyes.



I turned around to see the guys a few feet behind me. "See, kitty, easy." Raph smirked.

"You didn't even need that running start!" Donnie praised.

I smiled sheepishly and stood up.

"Come on guys, and Sonny, let's go." Leo ordered and the turtles sped off.

For turtles, they're really fast!  I mean really fast! Leo and Mikey were up front, then Raph and I, then Donnie in the back who was holding a device and glancing at it every other second.

Raph and I were racing each other to see who was faster. When the device started beeping like crazy! We all stopped short and I stood up to cover my ears with my hands. "Make that infernal thing stop beeeping!" I cringed.

"Oh, sorry. It must be really loud to your sensative earing." Donnie apologized.

I glared at him, "Ya think?!"

Donnie turned the sound down and I uncovered my ears.

"That's better I guess. Thanks." I said.

"Okay, the mutagen is somewhere around here. Split up and search." Leo ordered.

All four of them seemed to vanish into thin air. "Okay, I guess I'll look around here." I sighed.

I looked around the roof I was on. Nothing was glowing, but my stomach was growling. "Sooooo hungrrrrry." I moaned, already bored out of my mind.

Suddenly, I saw a pigeon land on the other side of the roof.  My stomach gowled again as I crouched down. I didn't know why I was stalking a pigeon but my feline instincts were telling me to. I creep closer until I was within pouncing distance. I unsheathed my claws and bunched my muscles to leap.

"Found it!" Mikey yelled, startling the pigeon away. I jumped up, trying to catch the bird as it started to fly away. My claws just missed it's tail feathers!

"Mikey! You scared it off!" I complianed.

"Oh sorry, Sonny. What were you going to dowith that pigeon anyway?"

"Uh, nothing." I dodged the question,  "So you found the mutagen?"

"Yep!" He replied while holding up a canister of blue-green ooze.

"Give me that!" Donnie appeared and snatched the canister away from Mikey. Leo and Raph joined us and we all looked at the canister in Donnie's hands.

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