Freak like me (chapter 1)

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I opened my eyes to see a brightening sky. I sat up and rubbed my aching head. "Oww..." I moaned. I looked at my hand and expected to see blood, but there was none. What really surprised me was that I had light brown fur all over my body except my hands, which were still human. That seemed to be the only part of me that was! I had a light brown tail with a white tip, a white furred chest, and instead of legs and feet I had cat haunches and white paws!

I crawled over to a puddle and looked at my reflection. I had green cat-eyes and sharp teeth but the rest of my face seemed human. I also had large pointed brown ears on top of my head and long brown hair that almost reached my waist.

What am I, I thought, who am I?

I couldn't remember!

I struggled to a standing position and wobbled a little as I tried to walk on my new found paws. I soon got the hang of it and walked to the spot where I woke up. There I saw a cracked canister with blue-green ooze leaking out of it. That's what must have made me this way.

I looked up at the sky to see the sun just comng up over the tops of the tall buildings surrounding me. Where am I?

I stepped out of the ally way and instantly heard somebody scream. I turned to see a woman running away from me, and as I looked around, others did too.

I've got to hide, I thought, they might try to hurt me if they are scared enough.

I searched frantically for cover when my eyes landed on a metal hole leading underground. I decided that that was my best shot, even though it smelled terrible.

Hi, so what do you think of Freak Like ME? I came up with this a little while ago. And just a disclaimer, I do not own TMNT or any of the characters except my OC who is narrating at the moment.
Anyway, please comment, vote, and share. :)

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