07; Xion

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Dongju was happily taking the orders of customers when 2 boys ran into the cafe out of breath. The two smiled at eachother before standing in line. Dongju shook his head and focused on taking the orders once again.

Soon enough the 2 boys that ran into the cafe were at the front, Dongju looked up from putting in the money into the register.

"One small carmel latte and orange juice." The boy with blonde hair said, smirking at the boy next to him. Dongju nodded putting the order in.
"That will be 10,000 won" Dongju smiled lightly, the blonde put the money on the counter and Dongju gave him the receipt before putting the money into the register again. There wasn't any more customers that wanted to order so Dongju decided to help in making the drinks.

"Dongju wasn't that your crush?" Keonhee suddenly appeared from the back, Dongju turned around and shook his head.
"He isn't my crush Keonhee hyung. I'm straight," Dongju closed his eyes and let out a sigh, "They want a small carmel latte and orange juice." Keonhee nodded disappearing to make the latte, while Dongju went to get a cup to pour some orange juice into it.

He waited for Keonhee to finish the latte before going to put the two drinks at their table.

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