10; Leedo

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Leedo paced around his room waiting for Seoho to pick up, he was getting anxious. Where was his mum? Where was his younger brother? Why is his dad unconcious?
Finally after what seemed like centuries Seoho picked up.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Seoho screamed with a somewhat upset tone, "I was talking to Keonhee!"

Leedo sighed, and sat down on his bed carefully.
"Can I stay over at your place hyung? For now at least..."

"Why is that?"

"I don't know... I came back home to my dad laying unconscious on the couch and my mum and younger brother missing..." Leedo was about to break down, he was scared not only for himself but his mum and younger brother, "I'm scared hyung..."

In the next few minutes Leedo began throwing items he'd take with him on thr bed messily before shoving them into his bag carelessly. He made sure to take everything he'd need the most: toothbrush, underwear, phone charger, and stuff like that. Once he was sure he had everything he waited for Seoho to text him. It seemed like years, but finally the older messeged him.

Leedo quietly and carefully walked down the stairs, making sure his dad was still on the couch. He didn't know what happened, but he didn't want to risk it. He grabbed the house keys and quickly walked out the house to Seoho's car.
"Thank you hyung, oh and thank you Mr.Lee for allowing me to stay over"

The man in the driver's seat smiled, and Leedo smiled back lightly, before turning to Seoho.
"So what's up with you and Keonhee?" Leedo immediately regretted his desicion to ask, the entire car ride to Seoho's house was only him talking about how beautfiul Keonhee is and how soft his voice it. Yeah, he sometimes regrets being his friend.

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