14; Leedo

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Leedo sighed as he was woken up by Seoho blasting a Bruno Mars song at 9am. He grabbed the pillow from under his head and threw it at Seoho, hoping to shut him up. Of course, Seoho being the annoying friend he is just threw the pillow back at him.
At that point Leedo didn't even care, he stood up and quite literally faught Seoho to get hold of the older's phone, and when he finally did he opened the window and just slightly put the phone out.
Seoho screamed running at him, Leedo smirked before quickly putting the phone in his pocket.
They messed around for a couple more minutes before Seoho's dad called them down for breakfast.

After eating Leedo left the house with Seoho's keys. He only wore a black hoodie and ripped jeans even though it was cold outside. He decided to visit the cafe again, maybe think about what could have happened. He knew he couldn't stay with Seoho forever. He shook his head and let put a sigh before entering the cafe.

He walked towards the counter and ordered his orange juice. He looked at the time and wondered when Dongju started his shift, remembering the younger mentioned he had an afternoon shift, and it was only 11am.
After Leedo finished hia orange juice he left the cafe to wonder around the park. He wanted to head back to Seoho's house since he was cold, but he couldn't.

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