The creature I saw

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Jeff's P.O.V

My mind kept racing because of that one bitch I could not kill because Toby had to come in. I placed my head in my hand and sighed my mind going over the scene over and over like on an infinite loop. Her eyes had stared into my soul when she looked at me like I was something she had never seen before but then again how many people have a smile cut into their cheeks. But that made me drop-dead gorgeous. But I sighed while thinking over the event.

Why was she not afraid of me, did I not do it right? Was she broken or was there something else going on at that place? I know it was only a one time mission after Slender had studied and mapped out the place. Why was half of her face hidden under bandaids? These thoughts filled my mind as we teleported back to the mansion.  Slender went straight to his office and slammed the door, shaking the entire place, BEN went to his video games and who knows where Toby, Masky, and Hoodie went after we got back. I just went straight up to my room and then threw my knife at the wall. Letting go of the built-up frustrations that this mission had caused.  It got stuck and made a large sound as it did.  I enjoyed that sound and I did this by repeating the action until I was stopped by a noise. I heard giggling behind me as I pulled the knife out of its newly made home. I turned around and found Sally playing on my floor.

"Sally, what have I said about playing in my room?" I asked her. She smiled and then skipped out of the room. As she left my door was opened again and I heard her start talking to someone. Well if it was Slender I was fucked. I got my knife taken away after I did this the last time. And here I was throwing it again. 

"He's mad about something, but I don't know what it is," Sally said. Slender had stepped into my room. His faceless expression was either by a guess annoyed, confused, or just plain curious. He pointed to the newly made knife marks on the wall. Shit, I was I for it now.

Telepathically he spoke to me. "Care to explain, Jeffrey?" he asked. sighing I sat on my bed and looked up at him. I flopped backward starring at the ceiling now. counting every tile that rested up there. It was a surprisingly good distraction from the day's events. Even if I did not want to answer his question I knew I had to.

"I did not kill someone today."  If he could raise an eyebrow right now he would. "She was different from the other ones on that floor. When I entered the room she only looked at me with her purple eye. Emotionless, even with my knife three inches from her face she never flinched or even formed a sweat bead on her brow.  Like she wanted to die and even she said so. Her words. Most people would beg for death to come for they are only living in hell there. I don't know what they did to her there but I got a reaction out of everyone else but her. I wanted to hear her scream."  I put my hand in my pockets and felt something weird inside of them. I pulled out the crumpled up paper and then showed it to Slender.

"Please would you visit me again? I can see you are troubled and I can help you. Whatever I can do." Her writing haunting the paper. Slender turned over the paper in his hands and then stood.

"What's one girl to do with you? You did not think much when you murdered your own mother,"  he asked. Yes even reminding me of that day made me angry but giddy. I loved to hear her screams again.

"That bitch was not my mother, she was anything but a mother. As for the girl, I don't know but I'm tempted to take her offer. Even if it is a sick joke it would be better than talking to any of you here. Maybe I would kill her if I got bored after a while." I replied to him. He shook his head and left my room.

Slenderman's P.O.V

A girl had startled Jeff? Thoughts ran through my head as I left his room and proceeded back to my office. A pile of papers gladly greeted me. As I started to do them I saw that girl in my head again. The one that just stared at me through her window. Her eyes seemed to glow from where she stood and it took her a moment more to fall than it did any other person who saw me.  If I remember right there was a purple glow from her eyes. Was she the one that shook Jeff?  She did not know about me?  Maybe she was the one that had startled Jeff. He did say she had purple eyes. After a few hours of an extreme urge, I felt the need to kill something and then proceeded out the door. Jeff was standing outside the house holding his knife. Guess he is going to kill as well. I teleported to find one of my notes missing from its tree and I smiled. Even with no features, I could smile.

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