Are you happy?

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Slender man's P.O.V

I heard her open the door to the mansion and smiled while looking down at my paperwork. Mainly because we were alone tonight, I thought another walk in the woods would be nice.  I exited my office and went downstairs. She stood at the sink getting herself some water and i wrapped a tendril around her waist. I saw her smile as i walked over to her. 

"Welcome home my dear." i said to her. She placed her water on the counter and hugged me.

"Did you leave your office today?" she asked me. I laughed.

"What no 'Thank you' or 'Hello?" i asked. She giggled, which i found rather adorable about her. Standing on her tip toes she kissed my cheek.


"It would be but you missed."

"Did intend to, but i must ask if i may prepare dinner tonight."

"No." i said firmly. i raised her chin up so that she could look at me. "not until you hit the target." She sighed and then kissed me. I smiled against her lips and then pulled away. "now i am happy."

"Are you?"

Her question took me by surprise and i could see something was bothering her. I was unable to see what though.

"What do you mean?"

"Its nothing of importance now, come what did you plan this evening?" She asked changing the subject.

"How about another walk? Since we had to cut ours short." i suggested. She nodded and reached for her water glass. I could still see the pain on her face, something had happened.

Readers P.O.V

I could not tell him what i kept seeing today. that faint memory playing over and over about my father. his blood splattering across that room as i screamed for him. This happened ever since we met Death.  Maybe if i could see him again i could ask about my parents. But now was not the time.

"He is concerned for you Amni, Let him know." Akuma told me.

"Akuma i can't not now."

I had to shake my thoughts away from the memories, then a lightning strike caused both me and Slender to look outside.

"So much for that plan." Slender said, a sad tone in his voice.

"Its nothing much, come let's watch the storm from the porch." I said. Slender nodded and the took my arm as we headed for the door.

As the rain dripped from covering on the porch we sat on a swing watching the delicate bolts of energy kiss the earth as thunder roared taking its place. Never had i seen a storm like this. I sat next to Slender his arm encircling my shoulders as we watched. Then a car pulled up to the mansion.

Every child that went to the fair came back running to the porch for shelter from the rain. Splendor was the last to exit the car.  He smiled at both Slender and me as he followed the kids.

"So much for our evening alone."

"Come now my dear, we still have it."  I rested my head upon his large shoulder and closed my eyes. Smiling as i did so. The front door creaked open and Lazari and Sally stood in their night clothes.

"Can you tuck us in?" The said in unison. I nodded at them and proceeded to stand, Slender followed.  When i entered the house the children did their normal routines. Jeff playing with his knife, BEN at his videogames playing with the proxies. Jane and Nina chatting while Clockwork got drinks out and watched the others play. Offender and Splendor had dragged Trender  out of his office and the tried to drag Slender into whatever they were doing. With three against one it was not that hard for them to do it. I giggled and followed my two little girls upstairs. I had no problem calling them mine like they did calling me mother.

they climbed into their beds and I pulled the sheets over them and turned to leave when Sally caught my attention with this question.

"Mommy can you sing for us?" I was shocked i never had sung before but i could always try. And how could i say no to my girls. i turned back to them and smiled. Thinking of what to sing i carefully chose a single tune that i heard every day since i could remember. Mother sang it to me.

"Come and take my hand
I'll lead you from this land
I hope you will understand
That this was only planned

I was the one to love you
though harsh but true
you will be my little girl
through and through

When you fall, I'll be here
when your scared I'll be near
there is nothing you must, fear
My child so dear

When you grow I'll wave you goodbye
Please notice not when tears well in my eyes
i can not hide forever under this disguise
only when your old enough will you realize.

Call me mommy or any other
I'll be here for you, like you would another
not like a sister or a brother
But I'll love you like a proper mother

When you fall i will be here
When your scared I'll be near
there is nothing you must fear
my child so dear."  I finished the bitter sweet melody just like Mother did back at the hell hole. I saw both my children asleep and someone standing in the door way.

"You sing like an angel my dear." i immediately recognized the voice. Slender.

"I never sung before."

"What does it matter, come lets be off to bed."

"alright but give me a moment to change."  I watched as he left the girls room and headed to his, well ours now. I smiled as i changed into my night clothes when i saw something move in the mirror that frightened me to the bone. A boy with black eyes, and dark grey hair. stood there with a quiver on his back and a bow in his hand. He smiled as wicked smile then like he had come disappeared. I was frozen trying to place my thoughts correctly together. Hell has brought a demon tonight. I grabbed my scythe and placed it close the bed when i entered into the room. Slender was on his side and he looked to be asleep. I took my place next to him and then drifted off. Having another nightmare but this one was different...

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