Love me? You don't know the meaning of love.

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??? P.O.V

"Hello mother. Did you miss me?" I quickly turned around and sitting in my chair with her boots propped up on my paper work was little one. My little one. I could not see her face due to the cloak hood covering it, but i knew that was her. I glanced at the panic button in my room and was about to run for it when a blade was sunk into it. Then disappearing into a smoke cloud it traveled back to her. "I can't have you call any one right now mother, I need only to talk."

"What? How are you here?" I asked. She took her feet off my desk and placed her head on her left hand, staring at me.

"Worry about that not, call father. Now."

Slenderman's P.O.V

This place was rather large than what it looks like on the outside. I even got lost myself once. My, girlfriend, had gone to a office that she said was her 'Mother's' and i was wandering around. I saw people lying in beds in pain. Some were dead and others wishing they were so. Their thoughts were sad and even i would kill them just to put them out of their misery. I heard a door open down the hall and lights spread out into the dark hall way. A man wearing a white lab coat and a black sweater walked out. He was running to another room, i decided to follow him.

Reader's P.O.V

Father had burst into the room after i told mother to call him. I smiled under everything. I could tell he was not alone since Slender did not do a good job of hiding himself for a brief moment.

"Lock the door." Father did as i told him and i smiled under my wrappings. "Funny you listen to me now, why could you have not have done that when you first broke me?"

"We never broke you." Mother said. I laughed at her, gently pulling down my hood. They stared at my wrappings.

"You think i wear these just for fun? No its no hide everything you did." I said anger hinted in my voice.

"B-But they must have healed a bit." Father stuttered. He was afraid and i loved it. Slender enjoyed it to as he stood behind them. I saw as parts of his ripped mouth turned up wards. I cut away the wrappings with a knife, while accidentally cutting my cheek. I let it look like they did it. Most of my scars had healed over but most of them did not.

"Have they?" I moved way from the chair and walked towards them. Mother was starting to shake. "Tell me?" When they said nothing i pulled out my scythe and batted father across the room with the blunt end. "ANSWER ME!"

"NO!" Mother cried out. Hoping that i would not hurt them anymore. Father coughed up a small bit of blood, the red hue coloring his hand like an easter egg. Slender was getting impressed by my strength, I blushed slightly as he watched in amusement. Mother rushed over to Father and that only made my anger worse. Akuma was not even in my body right now so she could not kill them right now. I was going to have fun.

"We only tried to take away what the monster did." Father said shakily.

"You mean my father." I said. Both Mother and Father looked like they were going to shit themselves. "The monster you took me from was my father, my real father!" A tear made its way down my face, i did not even feel them start to well in my eyes. They finally spotted Slender in the room and then they looked even more terrified.

"Th-That is your f-father?" Mother asked. I turned to face Slender and he wiped away my tear.

"No, this is my love."

"Your love?" Father said. i nodded. I felt a tendril stroke my back.

"Yes my love. A word neither of you know the meaning of. I think i may be doing him a favor. My father i mean. He won't have to hunt you both down, now." I gripped my scythe tighter in my hand.

"We only tried to fix you!" Mother cried out. My face turned dark grey. I undid the belt around my waist and pulled off my shirt. Wrappings covered my torso to my stomach.

"Fix me? You tried to fix me?" I swiftly cut the wrappings away, revealing my large wound. I felt the warmth of my own blood drip down my neck to my naval. Most of the stitches had come undone and only the tips had healed. "YOU CALL THIS FIXING ME?"  My eyes had turned a red hue now, glowing as i stared at them. Father pissed himself. "You can't fix what was never broken, I have had this wound for seven years! I think you each deserve one as well."

I quickly swung my blade at them and it hit Father right in the stomach. Mother screamed. I saw Fathers eyes start to fade in hue as his soul was starting to be taken from hi body. I pulled the blood cover blade out of his stomach and ripped open the wound, it traveled just like mine. Reaching inside i tugged at his heart. I heard Mother yell and i tuned back at her. She had a knife in her hand and she ran at me but Slender had wrapped his tendrils around her arms so she could not move. I smiled at him before continuing. I tugged at Fathers heart some more before it broke from his body into my hands. He died right after. I placed the blade back inside his body and twisted it. I saw his soul being sucked into it.

"You can let her go now Slender, unless you wish to kill her." I said turning around.

"No i'd rather watch this is getting interesting. No to mention how beautiful you look when you kill." He said sly like.

He released Mother and she ran towards me with the knife raised. She was about a foot from me when i completely turned myself into a smoke cloud. I moved behind her and reformed, before plunging my scythe into her back. She froze with a gasp, blood trickled down her mouth.

"How does it feel to be back stabbed Mother?"

I pulled the blade out and repeated the method on her as i did to Father. I felt a rush of happiness as her soul entered my scythe. I just looked at their bodies, smiling,my eyes had returned to their purple hues. I sighed and turned to Slender who was now sitting at the desk.

"Funny i got to shows today." I got rather confused then remembered that i had not shirt on. i quickly re wrapped myself and grabbed my shirt. Blushing crazily. He stood up and held out his arm i gladly took it and we walked home.

(A/N  The next chapter maybe a lemon if you do not wish to read that you may skip to the chapter after nothing will change if you do since you will be waking up. thx - Amnelove)

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