The part I tried to hide

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Slenderman's P.O.V

I called everyone in the mansion and told them, while She dealt with Jeff knowing he would never like this. Offender's jaw dropped, Splendor danced around the room dragging random pastas in. I was hugged by Sally and Lazari and the others just stared baffled. Offender left the room for a minute and walked up, guessing to ask if it was true. He came down a moment later and came up to me.

"She picked a name for herself, finally," he told me. I twitched my eyebrow muscles like I was raising one. "Oh, First her birth name was Freyja. She hates it. She chose Amni Fey. Amni or Fey for short she doesn't care."

"Probably wouldn't call her them anyway. But thank you for telling me." He nodded and was then pulled into dancing by Splendor and I laughed. Then a mark appeared on the floor. I saw this symbol before and then was shaking before a figure had appeared. A man I would say, strange too. His eyes were nothing but empty blackness. Like Jane's and his hair was a dark like deep rock brown. His skin was a light grey darker than Amni Fey's and he studied the room. A silver bow and quiver across this back. "May I help you, sir?" I asked very confusedly about who this person was.

He spoke in a weird language that I did not understand, he sighed and then spoke in English. "I am Nathrachian, son of Pestacilence I am here for my bride, I know she is here in this realm and I understand your creatures could hunt her down for me. I will pay you for it by prolonging your lives a good hundred years."

"Some of us are dead already sir," Sally said shyly. She was scared and I heard someone fall upstairs. Nathraichean heard it too.

"Well, dear child I can give back your life. Will you help me? Or will you be low life cowards?" He said.

"No, we work for no one but Slender." Masky chimed in. Oh boy.

"You work for this creature, I see only one good thing from him and that is his part in helping my aunt have my bride. He serves no other purpose." I watched as Amni Fey walks down the steps quietly and peeked at the man her face turned white. She had seen him before? Her scythe glimmered in her hand as she tightened her grip in rage.

"I must ask you to leave. We have no business with you here." I said sternly.

"Ha weak immortal, or monster I should say, you keeping these...things as your helpers only makes you look worse. How many have you lost? How many times had you thought the one you would spend the rest of your life with been killed by them. You are nothing to anyone. Not even these girls that call you Daddy." Nathrachian said. Amni Fey was twitching now her knuckles turning white. Nathrachian pulled out his bow and placed an arrow on the string, drawing it back towards me. "Since you have no use I might just kill you her-" He was cut off. This woman never stops surprising me.

Reader's P.O.V

I stopped him from going any further by holding my curved blade around his neck and with one firm flick of my wrists his head would be gone. I heard him chuckle. "Mortal weapons don't work child." Clearly, he does not know.

"I was promised with the words of both Luna and Death that no one in their family would come to us. But here you stand, treating my family like dirt. Calling my beloved worthless and even trying to kill him. If anyone is weak it is you Nathraichian. Elder have mercy on you." I said harshly. "And after everything they did, I am not a mortal." I quickly drew back slicing his throat, he groaned and stumbled back. His arrow flying somewhere in the upper wall.

His eyes turned to me and he growled. "Of course it's you. You act like nothing like you should have I guess I will have to change that." He stood his wound already closing as his hand grabbed my throat pinning me aloft of the ground. I choked gasping for a small breath as his grip tightened.

"B-Bastard..." I said. I lifted my knee and aimed low, hitting a certain target that caused him to stumble back. I fell to the ground as he dropped holding his private area. Bull's eye. Sally ran over to me and tried helping me up. But before she could Nathrachien was already on his feet a white orb glowing in his hand.

"None will remember you here, only I will and when that happens you will be mine." I pushed Sally towards Slender and he caught her easily and I ran towards Nathrachian. I was too late, he threw the orb in the air and a larger white light lit up the whole mansion. I heard them scream and I cried out.

The words never left my lips as they only saw me that last time, feeling my memories slip away from my mind as well. My hand outstretched and my mouth screaming as tears slipped down my cheeks. Then Akuma rushed inside of me and then fell silent. I heard a final chuckle escape Nathrachian as he left. My body disappearing from the mansion. I don't even know why I was there.

(A/N: Okay here me out I am writing a sequel to this because I had an idea. I will give you a small sum up of what to expect and then give you a sneak peek. it is going to be called...

"Our Forgotten Past."

This takes place a year after Nathrachian erases everyone's memories, even yours. He only erases the pastas and Slender from you and vise versa. You are hunting down Nathrachian and the other two apocalyptic children knowing that you are one yourself. You have the chance to fall in love with your beloved again this time piecing back together with your forgotten past. Now for the sneak peek."

Reader's P.O.V

Where am I? Those were the only words I thought of as I looked on at the setting sun. His colors dripping into the mountains and trees had brought warmth into my soul but it did not last as the sky began to grow grey with an overcast. A single drop of rain had hit me in the dark sky. The trees did not really give much protection as the leaves had fallen for autumn had come in these woods. They stood tall no less and I got up off the ground looking up at them trying to see if I could scale on to at least find some town. But that town...They would only put me back there in that hell hole.

So that idea went away as quickly as it had come. Most of my scars must have faded since then right. I wished for a mirror but instead, I got a lake and that did the same job. Much to my surprise, they did fade enough to only be seen if you were looking for them. I smiled slightly and I knew if I ever had to go into town I could pass as an albino person if needed but I hated the thought of heading that way.

I looked around the woods and found an easy to climb tree and grabbed one of its smaller branches. I pulled on it gently and I was surprised at my own bodyweight it was like I was made of paper. The rest of the climb was easy and then I managed to see two sets of lights in the distance. One looked like a home that was buzzing with life and the other was farther out. More lights than the home and I knew that was town. Smiling I headed back down until I spotted someone walking through the woods. I hid higher up making sure I was out of his sight before moving on.

Monster and the Immortal (Slenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now