Is this what you call love?

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Slenderman's P.O.V

    I woke up and she was not there beside me. I frowned not knowing when she left but I saw someone else in my room. she looked familiar.

    "Don't you fucking give me that look jackass!" I knew immediately who it was. Akuma was there.

"I-I did not know you had taken over. When did this happen?" I asked nervously.

"I never did. We can split with certain limits. I can not touch anything in this state but I can be seen and talk. She has my powers but I can not use them nor can she to their greatest strength. She can call me back and everything can happen in reverse. Now tell me what in the good name of hell did you do to her last night!" She was pissed now. I recalled last night.

"I only kissed her. I swear," I replied honestly. Her face was now contorted into a grimace.

"Okay listen up bringer of nightmares, if you so much as hurt a single hair upon her head I will hunt you down if you run, kill you so slow it will feel like you are never going to die. I never will like you and I only stand your presence because she has grown rather fond of you and her children. Understand me?" I nodded, slowly. Akuma sighed and stood by the window. "She finds your woods sad, you know."

"How woods are wonderful places to relax."

"Dull as a brass knife. She can see every victim that hangs in your forest, every soul that Death himself never came for. They cry out to be freed from this limbo that they are stuck into. When they saw that she could see them they had hope that they would be free. And that hope only grew when they saw that scythe appear in her hands. She could not sleep because they cried for her, begging her to free them from his prison. Because of man's greed, they made an Immortal into a monster." She looked at me now. Her green eyes starring into my soul. "Man-made her into a monster, because they placed me inside her. They stole her, changed her, broke her...Beyond repair. Man must die for their crimes, stripping her of her true fate and her birth family, but she has grown to you and her children. She will not leave you unless she has no choice. "

"What do you mean Akuma?" I stood now and waited for her to answer but she just disappeared. I guess she had to return but my door opened. Masky was standing there.

"Sir. Mother has prepared breakfast, will you be down soon?"

"Yes thank you Masky," I replied to my proxy. 

He nodded and then left back down the stairs. I sighed wishing I could have been told more about her.  I know she has a troubled past but if she was really like my brothers thinking my pastas could be in terrible danger. I changed into my normal suit and walked down the steps. She was standing by the stove as the pastas ate their breakfast. I felt a small blush creep up to my cheeks as I got to see her better. She had on a small bandage on her cheek and nothing covering anything of her face besides that. I could see her beautiful violet eyes, and her sweet smile. she had her hair pulled up into a bun and wore a grey apron. Well, my grey apron.

She had on a simple day dress that was dark blue and Maryjane like shoes. Her gaze turned to me and she smiled. I had to cover my face to hide my blush.

"Good morning Slender, how do you like your eggs?" She asked me.

"Scrambled with peppers if it is no trouble," I replied.

"No trouble at all." She chirped. God how I love this woman, but would she love me back? I sat at the table where the morning paper was waiting and I started to read it. A few moments later a plate was set in front of me. One by one the children left the table and did their normal routines. Even my brothers did. I sat alone at the table until she sat next to me with a cup.

"Not eating?" I asked.

"I am unsure if my body could handle any solid food and the moment. In that hell hole, they never fed us unless the guards were feeling generous. My body grew to feed off anything they put in my body. medicine, to blood. I will be fine on tea, for now, I'll try later to see if I can get anything down." She replied.

"Shame I am a really good cook."

After a short while, I had finished and she took my plate. She started to do the dishes when I put a tendril around her waist, pulling her away from the sink. "Slender is something wrong?"

"Yes, you do too much around here," I said standing and walking over to the sink. "Let me do the dishes. Also, jane has been asking to go out for a while now why do you not go with them." She looked down, I placed a hand under her chin and pulled her face up.  "Relax a bit, my dear, I'll take care of this." I gently placed a kiss against her forehead and released her. Though apart of me did not want to. She nodded and then turned to walk away. Stopping in her tracks she took off the apron and placed it around my waist, tying it as she left.

"Sorry, it was the only one I saw." She said.   I suppress a laugh as she walked to the living room and watched BEN and jeff play their game. Asking if she wants to play, which she declined politely.

It was now half-past ten when I went to my office. Jane was looking around for something. "Slendy have you seen mom? No one can find her."

"Try the garden she usually stays out there on nice days." I started to do my papers when my door opened and she stepped inside. "What is it, my dear?"

"I think I may go out with the girls and please tell me that is not what you are doing all day? promise me you will relax and you really say I am the one who does too much around here. You literally buried in paperwork!"

I chuckled to myself. " I promise on two conditions."

"Name your price."

"One: You eat something today and two: You come with me later for a walk in the woods," I said. Her brow creased and then she smiled.

" I will accept these terms and I'm taking my scythe with me since I remember you complaining about me never having a weapon on hand with me." She said. I stood and encircled her in my arms.

"As long as I know, you should not worry about what I do in my office."

"Your office is the most enjoyable to enter into."  she shuddered after that. I raised an eyebrow. "Your younger brother is a disgusting vile creature."

"You went into his office?" I asked quickly.

" I was getting a bit tired of hearing Trender call for him so he asked me to go get him. I walked to offenders office and knocked, the door was swung open and I almost vomited. A young woman was completely naked and was sitting on his private parts while he laid undressed as well on his desk. He even asked if I wished to join them. I quickly left and the more I thought about it I realized you and your brothers are all alike."

I pulled her tighter against me. "And what do you mean by that, my dear?"

"There is no other way to say it, my dear but you are as stubborn as a mule. Your brothers are the same only in them it is like three of you with a different personality and features. Trender with his stuck-up tastes is not as but close to your level of stubbornness. Splendor is way too happy but when I find him in a bad mode, is bad. And Offender... Well, he is just perverted and stubborn. You are just plain out stubborn. That's why I enjoy your company more." I laughed after she said that.

I place a kiss upon her forehead and then pushed her out my door. I heard the front door open and I watched them leave from my window. She waved to me as they walked through the forest. I waved back and sat back in my chair. Blush creeping up on my face. God, I love this woman.

Monster and the Immortal (Slenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now