Must you go?

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no ones P.O.V

Three weeks had passed since she and Slender had started dating and some things had changed. Jeff had gotten furious when he had found out about their little time in the woods but what really got her was a strange presence in woods. More than death and his horse did.

Readers P.O.V

"Mommy must i go?" Sally wined. It was fall and i had finally convinced Slender to send the kids off to school. He was worried about their temper and that they might killed everyone in the school. I told him that i was getting a job there for the children, so that i could watch them. He hated that even more. "Then who will stop me from over working and dragging me out of my office?" He pouted.

"Your brothers." I giggled. He shuddered but then allowed me to go. I was combing Sally's hair and i waited for the others to come down. Jeff was the first on i saw dressed better than normal. Clean unbloodied clothes and even a back pack.

"Its been years since i went, but why do i need to go again Mom?"

"What is the square root of 49?" I was answered with silence. "Need another reason?" Jeff sighed and looked defeated. "Come on i packed you lunch and i will be there with you." once i finished Sally's hair and the rest of the children came down i watched them walk out the door. I quickly walked into me and Slender's room. He was still asleep and i placed a note on the nightstand, along with a black rose. Gently kissing his forehead i left, softly closing our door.

"Come on Mom!" Lazari yelled excited. I smiled at my happy little girl and held out my hand. She gladly took it and we walked to the school. it was not that far from the woods and i enjoyed the calm and clean space out here.

Eyeless had spoken up asking a serious question. "Uhh mom? Won't the other kids be shocked to find you speaking to them through their heads?"

"When i speak like this do you hear my voice?"


"I can easily mouth the words i am meant to speak. easy as pie." The school came into view as we walked closer. A man with a salt and pepper hair and a brown suit on came over to greet us.

"Ahh you must be Ms.?" he asked suddenly forgetting my name.

I mouthed the words as i said them in my head. "Hallow. These are my children." The kids were star struck if they did not know any better they would have thought i had actually spoke. Lazari and Sally giggled as they saw the man.

"Are you our teacher?" They asked in unison. The man laughed.

"No i am your principal. Come all show you to your room and give you a schedule." I followed him into the building as did the kids.

Slenderman's P.O.V

I woke up around eight to find the house almost empty. Eleven of my pasta's where gone. I remembered seeing a letter on my nightstand when i woke up and when i walked back to get it a found her rose. I smiled holding it as i read the letter.

"Good morning my dear
If your are reading this you either just woke up or forgot that this was even on the nightstand. I have already gone with the children, hopefully we did not wake you. We will return around four this evening. I hope you do not stay in your office all day.

I love you.

I set the note down and walked to my office to start on today's papers. I wonder if anything new is going to happen. Maybe but as curious as i am i doubt she would like me to see them in school. For now time for work.

Reader's P.O.V

I walked everyone to their classroom and i was stationed in the high school end where most of my children are. All the lockers were close together and for it being the first day of classes we all were told to take it easy and slow for the first day and this week. My classroom was large and rows of desks sat in front of one that reminded me of Slenders. A bell had rung and my class room filled with children, i saw only three of mine. Jeff, Ben and Eyeless.  I smiled at them before standing in front of my desk.

"Good morning, my name is Ms. Hallow and i will be your teacher for this semester. I will teach you about the folklore of ancient times and now of days. Any questions?" Mouthing every word. A child with blonde hair raised his hand.

"Can we start with Now a days folklore?" he asked.

"I do not see why not any reason why"

"I swear i saw something."

"Hmmm like what?"

"Slenderman." He said shakily. If he did see Slender it probably did not end well for him. Jeff and Ben both froze as i heard talking about the rest of the pastas.  I quickly quited the class before passing out papers. It was going to a long day.

Time skip. Lunch

I was told to watch the classes in the cafeteria when lunch rolled around. I saw all my children in the large room each of them sitting at one table. I saw happiness as they unpacked their favorite foods, it was not that hard to make it look like normal foods since most of them ate weird items. The room grew with noise as they chattered. Lazari and Sally's class was the last to enter the cafeteria. As soon as they spotted the others they ran quickly over to the table where they all sat.

Another teacher walked in and stood next to me. She had strange object in her hands that i immediately recognized. It was Charlie, Sally's bear. She sighed as she leaned against the table.

"Children and bringing toys from home. Your lucky to work with the older children. i'd kill to have your job." She said. "i am Ms. Belladonna."

"Like the flower Belladonna?" i asked. (A/N note that every time you speak at school she is mouthing everything you say unless i say she does not.)

"Yeah whats your name you look new."

"Ms. Hallow." My gaze fell on Charlie again. She followed my gaze and handed him to me.

"Here if the girl finds out i still have it she will through a fit until she gets back." I held charlie close and stood up walking towards the table of pasta's. Sally was crying into Ben's shirt.

"Oh. H-Hey Mom." Ticci stuttered. Everyone's gaze at the table turned to me. Sally hopped out of Ben's lap and ran over to me. Crying into my legs. I could see more eyes turning to the table. I bent down and picked Sally up and sat with the children. Hoodie opened his mouth to speak but i did before him.

"I understand i have Charlie." I did not need to fake talk in front of my children. I handed Charlie back to Sally and she hugged him holding on to him for dear life. "How has your day been so far?"

"Good" they all said in unison. I nodded and twenty minutes had passed when the next bell rang.

It was now the final bell of the day when i saw a strange black car pull up to the front of the building. What i found even more strange is that the children got into it. I quickly gathered everything from my desk i needed at home when my door opened. In stepped a very colorfully dressed man. I raised an eyebrow thinking about who would where that. Either Splendor or my little Toymaker. His hair was not red so it was not Jason.

"Splendor? What brings you here?" i asked.

"My brother asked me to pick up the kids. You expect me to show up as i normally did?"

"No but my first thought before i saw the hair was it was Jason who came." Splendor grabbed his chest offended by my comment.

"I have you know that i am better dressed than that crazy doll maker."

"Now you are starting to sound like your brother. And don't say that about my little Toymaker."

He laughed and walked to the door. "By the way I'm taking the kids to go to the fair tonight, so we won't be home till late. Offender and Trender are coming to. So its just going to be Slender and you at home unless you decide to go." he shut the door behind him. I sighed relieved about the children as i watched Splendor get in and drive off. I could see a few rides in the distance. Maybe we could go.

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