[WARNING: LEMON!] I love you.

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(A/N you do not have to read this chapter if you do not wish to read this. Lemon is a sexual scene in a story and this is the first one i have ever written so you may skip if you wish.)

Slenderman's P.O.V

I watched her kill her parents with no mercy, this woman was full of surprises. Not to mention the fact that while watching it happened in felt extremely uncomfortable in my pants. She had given me a boner. I blushed while she did her parents in. We walked home, on this calm night and she seemed happy with herself. I blushed deeper. When we walked closer to the mansion i felt her hand tighten around mine as we walked through the door. She quickly was greeted by a relieved Akuma and i saw her whisper in her ear. She blushed a shade of red and then nodded. Akuma looked happy as she ran over to Offender.

"What was that about?" I asked her.

"Akuma has started to have feelings for your brother and she had asked me for permission for something. She needs a body to preform a certain actions with him."  I thought about what she had said and then jealousy formed its way into my heart. I guess she noticed since she placed a hand to my chest. "She is going to get a mortal body, posses it and then do the deeds. I would never allow her to do these things to my body. That is your prize." She kissed my cheek and then walked upstairs, to clean herself up. Offender punched my shoulder and smiled.

"Finally you get into bed with some one, you are the last brother who has not." He laughed. I punched him back but in the stomach a blushing mess. Akuma laughed.

"Are you not against this?" I asked her.

"No, i see she loves you and i may not like you but that doesn't mean i get to decide everything she does, if she wants to do it with you who am i to stop her. Just don't break her."

I nodded and walked upstairs to our room. I heard a shower running and then i started to change.

Readers' P.O.V

I felt the warm water dripped from my head to my toes, washing all my blood away. Today my parents died and i was happy. Though i noticed Slender was acting a bit off when we started to leave, beside starting to act like his younger brother. I would expect sly remarks to come from offender not him. But who was i to argue against how the man i love acted. It was cute. I turned off the water and exited the shower wrapping myself in a towel. I hummed a soft tune to myself and began to dry off. When i felt that it was enough i opened the door to collect my clothes. But i was frozen when i saw Slender changing, i don't think he heard me open the door.

He was very pale and surprisingly muscular, i guess that's from all the bodies he hangs in his woods. I was staring for a little to long and he turned around to grab a sleeping shirt and then he froze.

"I-I...I did not hear you come in..." I said looking away trying to hide my blush. Slender chuckled and walked over to me. "Please i need to get dressed."

He kissed me gently and then wrapped his tendrils around my waist and legs. I was lifted up bridal style as he held my body close to his. "Why bother, i was just going to take them off anyway." I blushed a deep scarlet color as he walked over to the bed pushing me down onto the covers, my lips were met with his again and i melted. Kissing him back, i welcomed his tongue and we fought for a minute or two until he won proudly.    He drew back and then began to remove his pants, i blushed a deeper shade of red. I was actually doing it. He was now in his boxers only and then i saw a rather large area that should not have been that large in the first place.

"I caused that, didn't I?" i asked him. He chuckled.

"Your were so sexy when you killed your parents i could not help it. just being with you like this is only making it grow." He said in his very husky and deep voice. He kissed my cheeks and made his way down my collar bone and my neck. I felt him place a kiss on the start of my largest wound. I gasped, and he stopped for a moment. "It's okay my love, i will make you forget everything they did to you, i will be the only thing you can think of." He whispered into my ear before continuing to kiss my neck.

After a minute of searching he found my sweet spot, i moaned when he kiss it. Then he started to abuse it, kissing, sucking, and the occasional biting. His kisses trailed down my wound and then stopped at the edge of my towel. Calmly he tugged at the edge, asking for my permission and i nodded. 

Then the towel was thrown to some other part of the room and he continued to kiss along my wound. I felt his tongue glide over and round my breasts before he began to suck on one while paying with the other. I moaned again, as he switched between breasts. he had propped himself up and was about to move down to my neither area when i placed a hand on his chest.

"Some thing wrong?" I shook my head and began to move my hand down his chest and over his stomach. Until i reached his large area, rubbing it gently. I heard him moan and then i smiled to myself. I began to rub a bit rougher and this made him growl deep in his throat. I pulled at the hem of his boxers before i pulled them off of him. His, smaller version of himself, had come into view. I bent down my head and kissed the tip of it. I let my tongue dance around the tip, earning another moan from him before taking the entire thing in my mouth.

I moved slow at first semi torturing him. His breath became heavy and i felt him begin to throb. I dragged my tongue up it one last time before he was about to burst.

Slenderman's P.O.V

She had stopped when i was about to release, and she seemed proud of herself for doing so. If we are going to play this game then this is going to be a long night. I had my tendrils hold her arms and two wrapped around her legs and she gasped again. "You should never toy with me my love."

"Why it makes it all the more fun, or was that torturous? " she giggled. I had reached my breaking point and i pushed her down kissing her roughly one more time. I pulled back and then crawled between her legs and placed myself at her entrance, i didn't even bother to finger her. I looked at her one more time and then gently pushed myself inside of her.  there was no other way to say this.

She felt amazing. I saw a tear slip out of her eye and i wiped it away moving slowly. I could tell she was starting to get used to the feeling and me so i started to speed up.

"P-Please...Nnngg...f-faster" she moaned and i did as i was told. The bed started to creak as i thrusted deeper into her, searching for her other sweet spot. I knew i hit it when she arched her back upwards. I repeatedly hit that spot and she bit her lips. My tendrils played with her breasts and i was coming close again. "Sl-Slender I am...I'm gonna..."

"No not yet, i am not done with you yet." I said, she made me fall i was going to make her too. I slowed down and she groaned, frowning at me. I was going at the beginning pace and she  whimpered. Then i sped up at one time causing her to moan louder. Another of my tendrils made their way up her ass and this only made her a mess. I saw she was at her breaking point and i was too. "Okay sweetheart, cum for me." She did as she was told and i came inside of her.

Energy raced out of my body and i pulled out of her. Collapsing on the other side of the bed i tiredly pulled her towards me. We were both breathing heavily. She pulled the blanket over us and then rested her head against my chest.

"I love you." I said kissing her head.

"I l-love you t-too." she answered back.  Hearing her voice come from her mouth made me happy. Then we both fell asleep holding each other.

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