My little boy

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Slenderman's P.O.V

When i woke she was still asleep. Usually she would be up by now and cooking for the pastas but  guess that it was my turn to do it. I kissed her head once before changing into my normal suit and then i exited our bedroom and o found Jeff in the hallway. He wore what would seemed to be a saddened expression. I nodded to him and he just looked away from me. Something was up.

"Good morning Jeff." i said to him.

"Fuck off." There was the Jeff i know. "Where is mom?" he asked me.

"She is still asleep why?"

"Mind your own damn business i just need to talk to her. You can tell me when she wakes up right?" He then stormed to his room. Slamming the door behind him. I just shook it off and went downstairs.

Nine o' clock had rolled around and she still had not come down, so i went to go check up on her. I opened our door softly and she was still sleeping quietly and i smiled when i saw her. I hated myself to wake her because she was so cute like this but i had to. I gently shook her by her shoulder. "Come on sweetheart, its time to wake up." She groaned and rolled over in the sheet. Still sleeping, then i had an idea. I picked her up sheets and all and walked to the bathroom. I filled the tub with cold water and then held her over top of it.

"Wake up or i drop you in a tub full of cold water."

"You wouldn't" she said with a sleepy grin. I smiled evilly and dropped her but then caught her before she hit the water. She clung to my tie after i caught her.

"That was a warning next time i won't catch you."

"Okay, okay. You win. I'm up, I'm up." I smiled victoriously and walked back into the bedroom.

"Okay get dressed and come down, i have made breakfast." I kissed her head again before i walked out.

Reader's P.O.V

Damn his soul. I dare not go back to sleep seeing as he never drained the bath tub. I dressed myself for the day and then started to comb my hair when i heard a knock at the door.

"Enter." The door opened and Jane had stepped in shyly. Then she saw that i was dressed and then walked in the entire way.

"Morning mom. Hey do you know what is up with Jeff?" Jeffrey? Something was wrong with Jeffrey.

"No i haven't my dear, what seems to be wrong him?"

"I don't know he won't talk to anyone except you he says. Slender is trying to get him to talk but he just keeps swearing at him"

"Sounds like normal Jeffrey but i will be down in a minute anything later and i'm afraid i will be thrown into the tub."

Jane started to giggle. "What?"

"Slender threatened to throw me into a tub full of cold water if i did not get up if you do not believe me go check the tub. He never drained it." Jane quickly looked and then she burst out laughing.

"That's the best threat i have ever heard! Come on lets go before he really does." I smiled at her and then walked down the stairs. Everyone was sitting at the table and Jane was right. Jeff was in a bad mood. He stabbed his pancake and then repeated the action until he broke through the plate.

"Jeff...That's the third plate this morning!" BEN yelled at him.

"Enough you two, Jeff i am not having you stab through another plate, if you can't not eat anything then you are excused." I heard Slender say, i also saw that his apron was dyed a different color.

Monster and the Immortal (Slenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now