Meet some of the children

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Jeff's P.O.V

My thoughts were jumbled as I walked to Slender's room to ask him something and I hear him talking to someone in there. That was strange since he never let anyone in his room, like ever. That was a red flag on its own but who could be in the room with him?  Maybe Sally? No, I just passed her in the hallway. The door was slightly opened and I didn't even knock I just pushed it open. I should have expected it to be one of his brothers maybe but this was still strange. Slender was standing by his bed and someone was in it. No one was sick were they? No, if they were they would go to Dr. Smiley or Ann, and definitely not to his bedroom. The same would be the only exception since she does sleep with him sometimes when she has had a nightmare. I saw the person in his bed more clearly and then I started to get angry. This was fucking impossible. I pulled out my knife and pointed it at Slender. He stepped away from the bed and I wanted forward to the bed, still pointing my knife at him. He didn't seem phased but that could just be the faceless aspect of him. It was the girl that fell from the window. The one who gave me the now didn't cry or scream when I went to kill her. The one who disappeared into a smile in front of me was here in Slender's bed.  Her face was covered in more bandages than before and there was a bit a grey stained to the ones around her head. She had grabbed a piece of paper and I watched her scribble on it as she wanted to speak.

"Jeffrey! Thank the heavens your alright. Have you been hurt? The glass didn't cut you did it? They didn't see you as they went after me? You are alright from that night right? Nothing too traumatic to add on to you!? " She sounded worried. Well her writing did. I didn't even know so much emotion could be spilled from pen ink. Or even from a woman so young who went through the hell, I've seen at that place she was in. It made me wonder how long she actually was there too being with.

"I'm fine but what the hell are you doing here?" She looked away from both of us into the empty side of the room she looked. Her body began to twitch like it was possessed. Her hands would change hue and the scars around them would as well. They wouldn't just fade they would disappear.  Her head moved slightly from time to time and then she returned her gaze to us.  Her jaw moved as if she was speaking but no voice was heard. She moved away some of the bandages the ones that surrounded her lips. We watched as her purple eye turned green and her hair in slight color. Old scars and stitches surrounded her face and lips. Slender had looked away, for a brief moment.

"I apologize on behalf of her. Unfortunately, she is unable to speak at the moment and has agreed that any questions you have shall be answered by me to the best of my capabilities." A strange mature voice said. "Forgive me once more but my name is Akuma but that is not her name," Akuma told us.

"Her name? What is it?" Slender asked not caring whether that girl was still there or not.

"If she was ever gifted with one I would tell you but back to the hell hole she had a project name and that was..." A131451991 Akuma and Slender said at the same time.

"Okay, Slender what do you know about her?" I asked.

"She cares for you I know that much but I think Akuma is our best way to get information about our new guest," he replied.

"I can only tell you she is twenty-one years of age and the memories I remember with her. We have not been connected for a long time."

"You were not always there?" I asked. Then Sally ran into the room.

"Daddy! Daddy!" She chirped.

"Yes, Sally?" Slender asked her.

"You, child." Akuma chimed in. Sally looked at Slender before grabbing his hand.

"Yes?" Sally said.

"My other held would love to play with you later, is only you would let her. If it okay with you I mean."

I saw Sally's light up like a Christmas tree. "Okay!" she chirped. "Daddy, Jason, and Laughing Jack are fighting in the living room." Then a crash was heard, from downstairs followed by shouting. Slender groaned and walked away with Sally glancing back once at her. She sucked in a breathe and was back to her normal self. She gave him a small smile before he walked out. I swear I say a blush on Slenders face.

Readers P.O.V

Akuma was able to speak for them but it left me wondering what to tell them. If I could even get the words to tell them. While she was in control I could think about these things floating in the space that is my mind. I'd pass things like memories that would forever haunt me but it was something I could never erase. They had left so many marks on my body, what was it going to be like for the rest of my life. Immortality had perks but I can tell that most of these poor souls are still mortals. Slender was the creature's name correct? If at all he is the only immortal here, beside me and maybe Sally. I have only met a few of his children but I could tell none were truly his blood.

Akuma suddenly passed me in the space and I snapped back into control of our body. Jeffery was staring at me with great rage in his eyes, I think that was Slender's doing. I raised my hand and motioned for him to come closer to me. he did and knelt beside the bed. Using the same hand I placed it upon his cheek. He had cut a beautiful smile into them and his eyes forever shall remain open.

"My precious child, I ask you not to look angered. Please." I drew his head closer as I sat up in the bed and hugged him. It took him a moment to return the embrace and he looked me in the eye.

"C-Could I call you Mom?" He asked me. A tear formed in his eyes. I smiled at him and embraced him once more.

"Would be so kind to help me downstairs please, Jeffrey?" I asked him. He smiled and placed my arm around his shoulders. When I was able to stand I carefully walked to the door, grabbing many objects I could lean on in the process. I placed the bandages over my mouth again. We made our way to the steps and I could hear more yelling coming from the fight downstairs.

"Are you sure about this Mom?" Jeff asked me. I nodded and he held my hand as we walked down the stairs. There a clown dressed in black and white was screaming at a very colorfully dressed man. His hair was long and red and he had a lot of buttons upon his shirt. Slender was busy scolding them both when they turned their attention to the stairs where I and Jeffery stood.

"WHAT ARE YOU TW-" Slenders gaze fell upon me, I raised my hand to him. I had to try something writing to everyone was not going to help. I thought really hard about my words hoping that Akuma could help me.

"What is the matter?" I said in my head. Strangely they both looked over at me. I was greeted by black and yellows eyes from both boys.

"LJ broke my tools for toys!" Jason yelled to me. I quickly glanced up in shock. How?

"Only because he promised I could play with them, I kinda needed them for this little boy I had to kill," LJ responded. I made my way down the rest of the stairs and grabbed an ear off both of them.

"Now, now. You boys are many years older than the rest. I would expect this behavior coming from children Sally's age. now you two are going to sit on the couch and you are going to stay there until you both apologize to each other." I said in my head.

"Oh, I am so scared by this little girl," LJ said. I sighed hating myself to do this but I carefully undid the bandages around my head. They both gagged at the sight of my face.

I looked like a poorly stitched up doll, and a cracked porcelain one. They saw my blood dripping from my right eye and mouth. My right eye held stitches within the color.

"I know how to do everything that they did to me. I will not hesitate to place these beautiful marks upon another." I said wrapping myself back up and then proceeded to walk to the kitchen.

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