Tell me honestly

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Readers P.O.V

I was running away from something but i never saw what it actually was, nor did i want to know. The hallways in which i ran were long very long and barely even lit with any light but the candle i had. Its purple black flame dancing as i ran. I could hear crying like a small child's, i wanted to stop but my feet would never let me. Then like cogs in a robot my memory clicked, i knew this place. Hell hole. yes i was back there, but why. Then i could hear the unmistakable sound of footsteps running after me. I stopped only for a quick second an turned around. Five guards were running after me. Fuck i dropped the candle and it quickly caught something on fire because i was now running away from flames and guards. The end of the hallway was coming up quickly and the I saw them. Slender and my children hurt from whatever they did to them. I reached out my hands when i came close enough and they tried to run away from me. Even Slender did. I looked at a window to see my own reflection. I saw a monster, black hair, grey eyes, blood dripping form both eyes and my mouth, rows of sharp teeth and spikes growing out from my arms and legs.

No no no no no. They never should have seen me like this. Then the image changed and i was starring at three people in front of me. two male and one female. Silhouettes of people, black as night. One male came forward and grabbed my face and pulled it close to his. i heard a deep and scratching voice emerge from his throat.

"Wake up, Little Luna, Little Death, Little Reaper. We're coming."

I awoke in a cold sweat. The sun had not come out yet and Luna was no where near close enough to rest over the mountains beyond. I was breathing heavily and i felt a warm tear slip from my eye. Quickly glancing over i saw that Slender was not stirred or disrupted in his sleep. I sighed and stood. I turned into a small smoke cloud and slipped under the door. I carefully slid into each child's room and made sure they were okay. I was crying softly knowing what was going to happen next. I made my way under the garden door and fell on the ground sobbing. The rain had never left and for that i was grateful. They would not hear me.

"What are you doing?" Akuma asked.

"I am only going to hurt them...I can't stay here... I was right i am only putting them in danger." i sobbed.

"Because of one nightmare?"

"You saw i too, that was no nightmare. You saw that boy last night too. It was his silhouette. He is coming after me."

"If you are to leave you have t quit your job and leave both the children and Slender behind."

"If it means keeping them safe i will do it. Even if it means my heart gets broken. The Immortal can live with out the monster."

"You call yourself the monster?"

"What else am i!" I yelled at her. My eyes now glowing red. "Look at me, look at us! Look at what they made of us! They broke your body, cut apart our hearts just to place it inside me. Just so they could have a weapon. We were never supposed to be this way! If i don't leave they will die and i don't want to hurt them anymore than what they already do!" My eyes returned to their purple shade.

"Your not a monster, Don't ever say that again."

"Then tell me what am i. Tell me honestly" Then i heard the garden door open.

Jeff's P.O.V

I heard something outside that disrupted my perfect sleep. Sighing i climbed out of my bed and walked to the hallway. No one was there but i heard faint yelling outside. I sighed again and pulled on my white hoodie and i grabbed a knife because why not. The yelling grew louder as i walked towards the garden door which was slightly opened. I raised an eyebrow and grabbed a better hold on my knife. I could hear two woman yelling at each other.

One was talking about leaving and the other was saying how she should not. I could recognize the voice. Mom!?

"Then tell me what am I? Tell me honestly!" Her attention snapped over to me in the door and her eyes spoke for her. She was full of fear. She slowly started to back away from me. Shaking her head knowing i had heard everything.

"Mom...You are going to leave us?" I asked her. Tears pricked at my unblinking eyes. Her gaze turned remorseful and she quickly came over and hugged me.

"I'm sorry my sweet little smiling boy. I told Slender i'd only cause trouble being here. I have no choice. Someone is after me, they will strike tonight."  I felt warm tears hit my shoulder as she cried. Tightly i hugged her back. No one is taking my mother from me. No one.

"Does Slender know?" I asked. my voice trembling. She softly kissed my forehead and sighed.

"No, i did not. But if i do not leave quickly they will hurt you and the others."

"Why do they want you?"

"I was created into a weapon. After i was stolen from my father, i was 'adopted' by two doctors. They treated me like their own daughter even though they knew what they were to do to me in the future. I was part of an large scale project. 'Project Demiweapon.' is what they called it." She stood back and then took off her nightgown. I looked away. "Nothing graphic but this helps the story go. The girls have already seen it." i turned back to her and i saw her neck and torso was wrapped up much like her face was when she first came here. She grabbed my knife and carefully cut along a pattern or existing line. I saw skin underneath the bandages that had been dyed black and silver. I nearly fell when i saw what she showed me.

"Mom! They did that!" I said looking at the large stitched up wound that trailed from her neck to her naval. She nodded and fixed her bandages, then slipped on her nightgown once more.

"When i had reached the age of fourteen they cut me open and removed my heart. They cut it into pieces and stitched together with Akuma's heart. Our heart no longer beats like normal. It only makes slow dying beats. They kept me close since i was the only surviving experiment who they put under this trial. I was their Demiweapon"

"What is a demiweapon?"

"they combine you with a demon spawn or child. They even tried with the demon itself. I was the only one surviving because of what they think i was. They always told me i was stolen by a monster because it had lost its child and looked  to replace it. They say he made me drink his blood so mine would change to be like his. I was never changed until they had me." She stroked my hair now. trying to calm me as i was now shaking. They hurt my mother. I don't care if she did not give birth to me she might as well have.

'Mom, I love you and i know the others do too, we are not going to let them take you." I said and then i heard a metal scraping sound that made both me and mom freeze. Then something whistled through the air and then next thing i know is that both me and mom were on the ground apart from each other.  Her eyes were closed and something was struck through her. An arrow? I heard a small chuckle as i crawled towards her.

"She did warn you we were coming. But you heart to heart was so pitiful we had to watch it." A dark voice said. "Auetherwulf, Delilah bring them both. The boy has seen to much now." Then i was covered in darkness.

No ones P.O.V

The three figures had carried both Jeff and the one he call Mom to their horse-like creatures. None ever knowing that her scythe had connected to her and that she had dropped another black rose onto the ground. A large lake came into the riders view and like magic it opened up and they entered through. The sky went from starry and beautiful to red and depressing. A blood moon gave off a grim light and the sounds of screams filled the entire world. You would think this is hell, but compared to hell this was heaven.

A grand castle crept into view as the riders drove their horses to it. Large gates made of ashes opened with loud creaks as they entered and hopped off their horses. The bot called Sodom carried Jeff over his shoulder while the other boy held her bridal style in his arms.

"Welcome home Little Reaper. Your father is waiting." he said and then they entered the castle walking down grand halls and they stopped at two large wooden doors. Without waiting for permission they entered and inside sat.

(A/N Haha! Cliffhanger! I am not sorry!)

Monster and the Immortal (Slenderman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now