chapter 2

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hey!!!! this is chapter 2!! woohooo dont forget to comment and vote:P -hanna a directioner forever:)

kats pov

me and harry just left the hospital and my hand is in a bright blue cast cause i did break my hand. when i harry dropped me off i went inside my house and the yeling begun.

"Where have u been young lady!!!" my mom screamed at me. 

"with harry" i stated calmly. i want to yell back but i know if i do my abusive dad will get involved.

my mom came over to me and grabbed my wrish and smaked the cast and i barly wimperd because it hurt so bad but i knew i couldent cry. i stayed strong wile she yelled in my face somemore. i ran to my room as soon as she loosend her grip in my wrist. i locked my door and fell to the ground crying. thats when i rang harry.


"h.hhey" i said trying not to break down again on the phone.

" whats wrong what happend ?" he said with worry in his voice

"nothing. can i stay at your place tonight?"

"ya of coarce u can do u need me to pick you up?"

"ya thanks"

"no problem any thing for u and i will be there in 5 minuts"

"love u" i said in a wisper

"love u to" he said matching my tone. and with that the line went dead.

Harrys pov

"shut up niall" i yelled at my irish buddy when i heard my phone ring. the ringtone was crazy girl by the eli young band. so i knew it was kat.

after our conversation i was really worried about her so i told niall to get ready. and with that we were off to Kats house. when i saw kat i knew something was wrong her eyes were blood shot her cheaks were puffy and she was holding her wrist like her life depended on it. kat got in the car.

niall was the first to break the scilence. " so how r u kat? long time no see." 

"hi niall and ive been better." she said with a cracked voice.

i was no stranger when it came to what her family does to her she usually stays at my place. she even has her own droor in my room.

we arivewd at my place and i walked around the car and opend kats door and held her non broken hand and we walked in.

"im hungry"niall wined

"how about we order a pizza" I said as an option. niall nodded in agrement so we both looked kats way waiting for an answer.

"um no thanks im not really hungry." she said with a half reall half fake smile.

with that Me and niall orderd a pizza.

we all agreed to watch a movie. we picked  finding nemo.

me and niall finishe the pizza and then to our suprise the doorbell rang. i answered the door and u will never guess who it was.

Zayns pov

i dont know what i was thinking going to harrys house but i rang the doorbell and began to panic. harry answered the door with a shocked look on his face.

"wha..what r u doing here?" he asked with a shaky voice.

"is kat here? i need to apologise. may i come in?"

"umm ya let me just get her" he  said wile motioning me in and getting kat. they came in and i notised her hand was in a cast. oh god did i do that i dident mean to oh im such an idot!

"hi" she said with all kinds of additude.

"h..hi. did i do that?' i said motioning to her hand

"ya" she said bitterly.

"well i just wanted to say sorry for every thing i have ever done to hurt u" i said hopeing she would forgive me.

"ok" was all she said and with that she walked out of the room and harry walked back in. its time i have to tell him.

"harry befor u say anything i have to tell you something" he nodded his head. "this might be better explained with a song" after that i started belting out the lyrics to sparks fly by taylor swift.

after i finished he looked at me then all of a sudden he crashed his lips to mine. it was like nothing i have ever felt before the fireworks were shoting off then befor i knew it we were lost in the kiss unt till i heard a slight scream and crying. with that we broke apart and all we heard was kat yell were over and ran out the door and niall yeld something i dident understand beacause i was in so much shock. i soon ran out the door too i was confused so i ran to louis place. i wonder what he will think.

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