Chapter 15

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Hey.... Well umm I know I haven't updated in a loooonnnggggg time.... I feel really bad I have been meaning to update but just haven't had the time.... I wanted to update a lot but I was really busy.. I'm sorry I will make this chapter nice and long,!! And I promise to update again tomorrow:)!!!- Hanna - I love you guys!! Xoxoxoxoxixoxoxixoxo

Kats pov

How could he! Where did he get the nerve! I'm going to rip his guts out! Uhg. I didn't believe Liam at first when he told me. Why would niall do such a thing! We were so close. I need to talk to Louis.

I picked up my phone and dialed Louis number. After about 5 rings he picked up.

"What makes you think I wanna talk to you after what you did and why Liam of all people! I thought we had something special...but no I guess I was just you little boy toy that you could push around.. I never want to talk to you again you, you,..." He said before I cut him off.

" you have no idea what the hell you are talking about! I went to Liam after Niall KISSED me! Why did I do that?! Well it's because I didn't want to face you because I was afraid I would hurt you! But after what you just told me I don't think we should be together anymore I'm sorry but its over Louis. I'm sorry." I said my voice cracking at the end.

"I-I-I am so sorry pleas don't do this to me." He cried into the phone.

"No Louis we are over but I hope we can still be friends...." I said trying not to sound like I was crying.

I hung up and Liam who was siting next to me gave my knee a reassuring squeeze. But I lost it and fell into his arms and cried out all of my feelings. I cried myself asleep on Liam's chest.

Louis pov

What have I done? I ruined everything by jumping to conclusions. Gosh why am I so stupid? I should have listened instead of being a little shit!

But she said we could still be friends. It will be hard to win her trust back but I will do whatever it takes to get close to her again. Even if I will never get to kiss her lips.

But I think I'm going to rip Niall to shreds! Gahhh I just want to rip his guts out. All I wanted was her but I screwed that up after I get something I always ruin it.

"Hey man it's not your fault you will get thru this and I will help you I will stand by your side the whole way." Zayn said giving me a reassuring pat on the back.

"Thanks man" I said and we gave each other a hug.

" I'm going to go out" Zayn said.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to talk to Niall and maybe bet the crap out of him." He said then shrugged and walked out the door.

Zany's pov

I don't want to hurt Niall so I called Harry to go with me. I was going to pick him up. I stopped in his driveway and honked my horn a few times and finally emerged from the house.

"Hey" he said when he got in the car giving me a peck on the lips.

"Hey babe I need you to make sure I don't hurt Niall ok. I don't trust going by myself." I told him looking everywhere but his eyes.

"Anything for you babe just don't hurt me when I hold you back" Harry said with a tad bit of cheekiness.

And I drove the rest of the way in silence but not an awkward silence. Our hands were intertwined. His hand fits into mine like its made just for me.

When we got there I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. Niall answered like nothing has happened. I wanted to wipe the smile right off his face but Harry gave my hand a squeeze to calm me down because he felt me tense up.

"What have you done?" I said in a very deep low voice.

He gave me a confused look and I pushed him inside and told him what he did.

"I-I-I-I didn't mean to I just I feel so bad umm I just couldn't tell anyone how I felt and it killed me so I did what I did and it got me in a bunch of trouble." He said tears brining his eyes.

"Yes you are" and with that I stormed out and left Harry behind.

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