chapter 8

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hey!! how is everyone!! i was hopeing to be able to update tommaro to but it turns out i have lacross camp sorry... how do u like my story so far?? LOVE YOU!!!!!-hanna xoxo

(3 days later)

Nialls pov

kat went home like 3 hours ago harry went home like 20 mins ago. im here siting on my couch wanting something to do. maby i could whatch a movie, read a book, or..suddenly i was knocked out of my thoughts whent ther was someone nocking on my door repeatedly over and over again. i quickly stood up and walked over to the door. i slowly started to open the door when kat pushed thru and wrapped her arms around my neck. she was crying hystaricly. i have never seen her like this. i picked her up bridal style and took her into my room and laid her in my bed and sat down next to her. she shifted and put her haed in my lap tears still falling.

"hey kitkat whats wrong" i said very calmly.she stood up turned her back to me and lifted her shirt up. just looking at he back made me want to cry. she had 8 long gashed down her back they looked really bad. they were puffed up and slightly bleeding like it happend a little wile ago. she started to speak. "i..i went home. my parents wondered were i was and i told them your house....they asked why and i said i needed space and thats when my dad got involved. he said i could never leave the house again. he went to the kitchen and came back with a knife and well u saw... he told me i deserved this for being disobediant  and i was sent to my room...then i snuck out my window with a suitcase wich is on the side if your house" she said with tears still flowing. her back must hurt really bad it loooked terrible.

"hey lets go wash your back off" i said. me and her are really close so it wont be weird ive seen her naked before when we were drunk playing stripper poker. she nodded and we went to the bathroom. she took her shirt off and sat on the edge of the tub.i slowly turned the water on and used the showerhead to run the water over her back she winced at the pain when the warm water ran across her back. i got the soap and rubed it on her back she winced when i touched her back but i knew it was good for her to get it ceaned up. after we were done i wraped her back im gause her whole top half was pretty much covered in gause. she slipped her shirt  on and went back in my room and laid in my bed. i covered her with my comforter and walked out of the room.i called louis and told him what all happened and he was now on his way over to comfort her. she needs all the support she can get.

i went back in my room to kat and she was sound asleep. i knew her parents were abusive but i dident think they would go that far. i just feel so bad.

louis pov

so niall called me to tell me my girlfriend was at his hous in alot of pain. he told me he would tell me when i got there so i rushed out my front door and ran as fast as i could to nialls house. i knocked on his door repeatedly untill he answered when he answered he automaticlly shushed me and told me she was sleeping. we went into the kitchen and he told me the story i was shocked. " you cant let her go back ever" i said tears welling in my eyes. "i wont dont worry" he said in his strong irish accsent. i soon stode up and walked to nialls room were she was sleeping i laid next to her and she automaticly clung to me like there was a monster comming to get her. i laid there rubbing her shoulder being carful of her back. her grip in my shirt soon loosened and she woke up. she stirred a bit then looked up into my eyes. her beutiful blue eyes were full of pain and sadness. i felt so sorry for her. i pecked her lips. "i will never leave you alone as long as your mine" i said. "then im yours" she said sending me a sweet smile. her entire mood flip floped her eyes were now filled with love and hope. i laid her back down and left the room telling her to get some rest wile i went and asked niall if i could stay at his place with kat for a wile because there is no room for here at my house when i heve so many sisters. "sure mate anything for my kitkat" he told me. i went to my house and got my things. i decided to go get kats stuff from her house. i figured out wich window was heres by the color of the curtains and walls black and purple her 2 favorit colors. i climed into her window and found some bags and threw as much stuff as i could in them being as quiet as possibul so her parents dont hear me. i threww all the bags out the window thats about 15 plastic bags and 3 douffle bags i took them all to my car and drove back to nialls. i walked in and saw kat with her head in nialls lap while he stroked her hair. they were watching bambi. i took all her and my stuff to the guest room were we will stay. i then joind them and we all whatched bambi.

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