{chapter 14}E.D.I.T.E.D

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"Marinette, I'm so glad you're here." Marinette hadn't even finished bringing her bags inside the house, not that her bags were too much. Just two.

"Yes, yes, I'm here." Marinette gulped. A part of her regretted ever leaving, but the other part of her was so happy that she was out of Gabriel's sight.

Alya then took one of her bags from her. "Marinette, you have a lot of explaining to do!"

"I know," Marinette sighed.

"After we finish unpacking, we'll talk in my room." Alya informed, going upstairs. Marinette followed her. "You'll be sharing rooms with me anyways."

"This is so awesome, Marinette," Alya carried on as she put the bag she was carrying on her bed. "You're staying here, maybe not forever, but for some few more days."

Marinette then remembered. Her parents told her they would be gone for two weeks. She stayed at Adrien's for about a week, so she was spending another week at Alya's.

"Marinette, we can unpack these later," Alya exclaimed. "I really want to know what has been going on, and why you lied to me about it."

Marinette sighed. There was no way she was getting out this. "It's just... My parents are out on a two weeks date, so I had to stay over at Adrien's. At that time, you probably weren't home with your parents, so my mom chose Adrien's mansion, thinking we were great friends."

Alya nodded. "Okay, I get that part. Just... When I saw you with Adrien that day, you guys didn't just come across each other, right?"

Marinette took a seat on her bed. "Yeah. We were..." At first she didn't know what to call it, but then she decided. "We were just hanging out."

"So Adrien is, like, your friend now?"

"Actually... Yeah," Marinette nodded. "He's a really great friend."

"If you guys were such great friends," Alya rolled her eyes, "then why would you decide to come here? Are you and Adrien fighting?"

Marinette was surprised that Alya hadn't argued with her about Adrien. Didn't Alya used to hate Adrien as well? Why is it that she wasn't getting angry?

"Are you going to answer me or not?"

Marinette looked up. "Sorry, I was just deep in thought. Um, what was the question again?"

Alta sighed. "I'm sorry I'm disturbing you with these questions, Marinette. Sorry, my bad. I should have made you feel welcomed first instead of attacking you with questions."

"It's fine. I don't mind answering them." Marinette shrugged.

"Okay, one last question, and then I'll leave you alone," Alta exclaimed. "You and Adrien were friends, then why are you here? What? Did Adrien chase you out of his mansion? Did you two get into a fight?"

Marinette wished she had never said she was okay with questions. She knew the answer to the question, it was so easy. One name: Gabriel. But she didn't feel like mentioning that name.

How would Adrien feel if he knew she told someone about his family problems. Adrien wouldn't like that. Even she wouldn't like that.

"If you don't want to answer, it's okay," Alya shrugged. "But I'm not going to stop you from giving him a call." Alta smirked. "I know you want to talk to Adrien."

Marinette looked away. "Maybe I want to talk to him and see how things has been going."

Alya rolled her eyes. "Marinette, it's only been like a few hours since you haven't seen him."

Marinette shrugged. Alya didn't know what Adrien was going through, and she wasn't planning on telling her either.

Taking out her phone, she dialed Adrien's phone number, which she got from Adrien when she was still at his place.

For a while nobody picked up, and after the third try, someone finally did.

"Hey, is this Adrien? Can I talk to Adrien?"

"I told you to keep away from Adrien!"

Marinette realized the voice. "Gabriel, I just want to talk to him!"

"So?! Adrien is busy now getting his punishments for the things he shouldn't have done. If you want him to get out of trouble, then I suggest you stop being in contact with him!"

And the call ended...


Just wanted to show you the covers for the other parts....

Part 2:

And Part 3:

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And Part 3:

And Part 3:

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That Other Side Of Him {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now