Chapter 10: First Christmas

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I sit on the couch by the window as I watch the snow graciously fall from the sky, it puts a small smile on my face as I take in the warmth that the fire brings and the tree sitting in the corner with decorative lights and things on strings, a star sitting right on top. Peeta insisted that we join in with the now tradition of our district and decorate a tree of some sort, as much as I hated the idea I just couldn't refuse, not when his hopeful eyes lit up at the thought of it. So, Peeta had got one from district eleven sent to us and insisted that we decorate it together as a couple but no matter how hesitant I am to celebrate this tradition without my sister, this day gives off a kind of... warm feeling, like Prim, Finnick, my dad, Rue and everyone else I cared about who lost there lives, are with me even if I can't see them.

Peeta joins me and I cuddle into his side, both watching the little drops of white falling outside, I feel happy in his arms and for a few moments it actually makes me forget about all the loss that we've all suffered but even though it's only a few moments, I still cherish it. Peeta rubs my arm softly and I look up at him with a smile which he returns, his eyes lighting up as he does

"It's going to be Panems, our, first Christmas tomorrow" I say

"And, I've got a gift for you tomorrow. I hope your going to like it..." Peeta replies, luckily I was prepared because I knew he'd do this

"Well, good because I also got you a gift" I grin

"You didn't have to get me anything, Katniss" he chuckles

"Yes, I did. You always get me gifts and I never have anything for you. This time it's different" I stubbornly reply, this is a battle that he's not going to win

"Whether you like it or not" I add, he smiles amusingly and kisses me

"Well, when you put it that way, how can I object?" He says, I roll my eyes and move myself so I'm straddling him

"You know... I know the perfect way to spend on the Eve of Christmas" I grin, unbuttoning each button of his soft shirt slowly, his hands slowly go up my thighs and reach around to grab my butt

"Hmmm... I think I might like your way then" his eyes a darkened blue, the kind of blue that I only see when we're like we are and one of my favourites... on Peeta. When his shirt is off, I kiss down his neck and down his belly until I get to his pants, I undo the button and drag his pants and boxers down

"You're a little over dressed" Peeta says, I don't reply, instead I just lower my face down and take him slowly in my mouth, he lets out a moan and his head falls back, the wetness between my legs starting to grow, my eyes look up as I move my mouth up and down, our eyes connect, it doesn't take long until he spills inside of my mouth, I take him out of my mouth with a cocky grin

"Your turn" he says, pushing me softly on the floor, the warm heat from the fire feels good against my skin, Peetas kiss is agonisingly slow, he lifts my shirt of and takes off my bra, setting my breasts free, he kisses and sucks one then the other, I tug on his hair at the back of his head

"Oh Peeta!" I moan out, I feel his smirk against my nipple, he slowly kisses the scars and slight burn marks that I have causing me to shudder

"Your so goddamn beautiful" he mumbles kissing one last scar, although his kissing is slow, he does make quick work on my pants and underwear but he kisses everywhere but where I want him to

"Stop being a pain" I scowl, he smirks amusingly and immediately my head falls back, my hands fly down to tug on the back of his hair

"God yes!" I cry out as he sucks and licks me and I arch my back which causes him to hold me down, he then joins two fingers with his mouth and I don't last long before I come, he licks up every last drop. He comes back up and we connect in a kiss, the taste of his tongue tangy but not gross, taste, his hands move up my sides and knead both of my breasts, his thumbs flicking over my dark nipples

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