Day 58

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"I swear I showed you how to use that last night." Jacob complained, rolling off Clara's couch to quite the ruckus. Clara was trying to turn on his camera, which was apparantly a Hercuelean task requiring immense effort and verbal thinking.

"Sorry." Clara sighed, defeated. "I'm not exactly a techno kid."

"Here, let me see."

Jacib took his camera and fixed all of the incorrect changes Clara had made.  He hit the swtich in the sjde and listened closely to the him of the camera warming up.

"How long do I have?"

"Thirty seconds?" Clara estimated shespishly.

Jacob nodded, giving full attention to his camera's screen as it came alive. He lifted it to focus on her, quickly fiddled with the settings, adjusting the focus and lens until Clara's bright eyes came into sharp releif. He didn't take his eye off the camera as he instantly rolled into his countdown, bedhead sfill sticking up wildly as he started his workday.

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