Chapter Three

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Kenny's POV

She's so beautiful. Even after everything that's just happened.. She still looks flawless.

"I'm sorry you just had to see all that. I have a pretty fucked up.. Everything," she whined and sat next to me on her bed.

"It's fine. What's happened," I crave to know more about her.

"It'd probably take hours just to explain a small part of it," her face saddened.

"Can I tell you something," she nodded, "Morgan you are incredibly beautiful."

She smiled, "No I'm not."

"You are. Even after what just happened," I could stare at her forever.

We sat in silence for a couple minutes.

"They didn't bring my bags in here," she complained.

"I don't have a key to the other room.. Sorry baaa-beautiful," what did I just do.

"Did you almost call me babe right now?" She had attitude in her voice.

"What? No.. Did they not check your hearing in there," I smirked.

"I don't know," her voice got high pitched.

Once again she sat on the bed quietly.. She looked so deep in thought..

"What are you thinking about," I broke the silence.

"Nothing. I'm tired though," she yawned.

"I can move to the other bed if yo-" I started to say, but she crawled next to me and put her head on my chest.

I instantly put my arm around her and turned off the light. I thought she was sleeping, but I was wrong.

"I was thinking about you. Goodnight baaaa-I mean Kenny," she laughed and put her arm over my stomach and somehow pulled herself even closer to me.

After that I knew she was sleeping.. And slowly I fell asleep with her.

Sammy's POV

"Give me the fucking ketchup before you use it all," I yelled across the table.

Jake ended up throwing it at me.. Almost hitting me in the face.

"Why didn't Morgan come? Has she even eaten today," Gilinsky asks me.

"Fuck.. I spaced on that," I forgot how she rarely ate anything.. It's scary.

So me and the boys finished eating, and it was already 10pm.

We decided to walk around for a while, because we had some time to kill..

Morgan's POV

Flashbacks of my father and old boyfriend filled my mind. I could tell it was a dream though.. Some parts were real and others weren't.

The flashbacks got worse and worse and suddenly I couldn't take it anymore.. My eyes opened and I started hyperventilating.

"Morgan, Are you okay," Kenny burst.

I couldn't talk so I just nodded, but I didn't feel okay.. He knew nothing about me, so I couldn't say no.

"No you aren't," he sat me up and helped me breath, "Want some fresh air?"

"Yes," I wanted to tell him everything.

We couldn't go downstairs, because there was always some fans and I didn't want to see people right now, so we went to the rooftop.

There was benches up there, so I'm guessing a lot of people come up here. We sat on one that overlooked the city.

"It's beautiful," I whispered.

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