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☞ Empire State Of Mind -  Alicia Keys and Jay-Z

☞ Man Down - Rihanna

☞ Don't Call Me Up - Mabel

☞ Crown - TXT


Jennie POV

My eyes hurt from all the crying I had done the night before. I didn't want to get out of bed, I was way too tired. Plus, the mattress was really comfortable. The sheet tightened around my waist, which was weird. I groaned a little since my left foot wasn't covered and was cold. I searched with my right foot the end of the cover to push it down to my other foot, but I couldn't find it. I opened my eyes frustrated and got shocked to find myself face to face with Lisa. She was the one holding onto my waist. My cheeks turned bright red and my mouth hung open mesmerized by her calm self. She looked really cute when she didn't have a severe attitude. 

I took the sheets and replaced them so both of our bodies were completely covered. I snuck back into her arms and closed my eyes. I was feeling so good, it was comforting, serene and weirdly familiar. I would gladly have stayed with her like that till death. 

My eyelids felt heavier every passing minute. Then I fell into Morpheus' arms. 


A chill ran through my whole body. I tried to get closer to my boss's frame, but the only thing I found was an empty bed. I sat up trying to find her in my room, but she was nowhere to be found. My heart skipped a beat from disappointment. It was always the same, push and pull. This stupid game was getting on my nerves. I pushed down my bed covers and got to the bathroom to shower. The loneliness was eating me inside, I hated to be left alone. I hated her to do this to me. I didn't want to develop feelings for someone who couldn't return them, but I couldn't stop myself, she was a jerk, sure, but secretly she is the sweetest woman I have met. 

I dried my hair and put on some clothes on, which were a black pair of jeans and a baby blue pull. I rapidly brushed my teeth and finally got down the stairs. There was no one in the kitchen so I checked the living room and the backyard, but still, I couldn't find them.  Then, a white note drew my attention. I took it in my hand and read it.

Good morning Jen, I didn't want to wake you up so I left discreetly the room. Sorry for leaving your side and letting you wake up alone. I drove the kids to my parents' house, I think you need to take some times for yourself. I'll be back soon if you are hungry there is a plate ready for you in the fridge. 

- Lisa

I put the sticky note in the trash and opened the fridge to find a plate wrapped in see-through plastic. I guessed they ate some eggs and rice. I started to eat with interest when the front door opened. I was too busy with my delicious food to even care about who was entering the house. Lisa joined me not too long after she got in. I smiled at her and dug into the rice. She took a seat in front of me and just watched me eat. I felt uneasy but my tummy was hurting too much to stop eating. 

" It's that good huh?" She asked me smiling with all her teeth. I nodded and continued to take another full spoon in my watering mouth. 

" Did you sleep well?" 

" Yeah, I slept like a baby." I told her, finishing my plate. " You?"

" I slept okay."

Liar. I know you slept like a log, I thought. I nodded again so she didn't feel ashamed of her lie. Was she scared of me knowing she had her first good night sleep since her wife's death? I didn't know what to think of all of that. 

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