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☞ Who Do You Love - Monsta X

☞ Miroh - Stray Kids

☞ Bloom Bloom - The Boyz

☞ Say My Name - Ateez


Jennie POV

I woke up hearing screaming. I jumped out of my bed and tiptoed to my half opened room door. I peeked and kept quiet. There were two men in the living room shouting at my father words I didn't understand. A third man appeared with a can of gas. He poured the gas on my parents. They tried to fight back but they were tied up. 

" Please, let her go!" My dad screamed. 

" I would love to... I bet she would be the perfect whore." The man took out of his back pocket a lighter. 

I gasped and made the door creaked. The men and my parents turned their heads to me. 

" Hey, sweetheart. Why don't you come and say hi to us?" The man with the lighter told me.

I didn't budge. I was still looking at my dad who was now crying. I had never seen him cry before. 

" Go and get her!" The same man screamed.

The taller one started to walk toward me. 

"Appa..." I said backing away from the door.

My dad raised his leg up and made the man stumble. 

" Run Jen!" My dad told me.

The third man punched him in the face.

" Appa!" I screamed. My tears were in free fall.

" Jennifer, run away, as fast as you can. We love you baby girl!" My mom told me. 

I sniffed and shut my door before locking it. My crying became louder and my nose was running. I ran to my window and opened it. I could hear loud thuds on my door. I looked down as the cold air of the night brushed my face.  My room was on the second floor. I slid my legs out keeping my hands on the edge of the window. I looked down and fear took control of my body. I closed my eyes and jumped. I heard a crack and pain hit me like a truck. I wanted to scream but I knew too well they would find me if I did. I gritted my teeth and groaned as my tears doubled. I touched my broken ankle and took a deep breath before getting on my feet. 

I heard the front door opened and two men running not too far from me. I entered the forest I was so scared of and ran. I ran without looking back. I wanted to stop since my ankle was killing me. I ran into someone. I looked up and saw it was my neighbour Yesung. I gripped on him tightly. He took a look at me and rapidly took me in his arms when he saw my ankle.

" What happened Jennifer?" He asked me worried.

" There-- There were bad men in the house... I-I ran away." I told him still crying.

I woke up full of sweat. I was panting. I pushed the blankets away from my body. To my surprise I was naked. The memories of last night came back to me and I sighed. I decided to take a shower to change my mind. I took a look on my phone to see it was five in the morning. I sighed and went to shower. I was trying to think of something else but I couldn't. I wanted to punch something. I didn't want to think about my past. I worked so hard to overcome that dark period, but it didn't want to go away. I finished and went back to my room to dress. To my surprise, Lisa was sitting on my bed. 

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