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I looked down as Skye screamed into her pillow, tears pouring from her eyes. I knew the others were doing something similar but I just needed to see her. It broke my heart to hear her scream my name like this.

I'm right here.

I just had to see her. One last time.

"Chase! Why?!" She bawled.

I'm sorry, Love. Take your time. I'll see you on the other side.

I felt myself fade into nothing. I blinked and could no longer see my girlfriend, but a set of golden gates. I felt a weight on my back and turned to see a pair of wings.

This wasn't a dream. This actually happened.

Three days ago, me and my friends were out, on our way back to mine after getting ice cream. We were crossing the road when a car skipped the red light. I pushed my girlfriend ahead and out of the way.

I wasn't fast enough and took the hit.

I was in hospital since then and my soul got tired of fighting. I didn't want to leave them but apparently it was my time.

"Son?" I heard a familiar voice from behind me. I turned to see my father, wearing the same wings as I did. I hadn't seen him since I was 12. 5 years ago. I sprinted to him and jumped into his arms, my face in his chest.

"Dad." I choked out between tears. He wrapped his arms around me, ruffling my feathers slightly. These wings would take some getting used to.

"Why are you here? You're still only young." He looked down into my eyes. It was like looking in a mirror - same brown hair, same hazel eyes and same cheekbones.

"I was hit by a car." I mumbled. "Three days ago. My soul gave up. I didn't want to leave." I started crying again. God, Zuma would pay money to see this - me crying. It never happened in front of anyone before.

My father sighed in sorrow and led me into the gates.

"Hold on, Marks." We were stopped by another angel. Again I recognised him. Black hair and sapphire blue eyes. It was Marshall's father. He passed away three years ago, like my father, in the line of duty. Mr. Fredrickson was a firefighter and died saving a little girl's life from a house fire. He was just like my best friend- in looks and personality. Always smiling. Even in death he smiled.

That felt weird to say.

"Chase? Why are you here? You're time isn't up surely?" He asked. I nodded solemnly. "That cant be! Marshall... He, he needs you. Skye need you, your mother needs-"

"Don't remind me. It'll only make this harder." I interrupted him. "Let's face it, there's no way to get me back."

"Or maybe..." there was a twinkle in those eyes. Again I knew it well enough from Marshall.

"What?" I tilted my head to the side.

"Maybe we can..."

Angel With A Shotgun - A Skye X Chase Story (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now