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"Chase, Chase, Chase honey, look at me." I pleaded, gently holding the angel's shoulders. He looked up, breathing shallow and fast, eyes brimming with tears and shaking like a leaf in a hurricane.

"Okay, breathe with me. In for three, hold for four and out for five. Ready? In... hold... out. Good. That's it." I carried on as I had done plenty of times before. This routine was etched in my brain. I knew exactly when and what I needed to do.

This happened too often to go unnoticed. Ever since the... incident, I'd been one of two people to help him through his panic attacks. Unfortunately, the other person was the black haired boy who couldn't see his friend.

After about five minutes, Chase's breathing had become much slower but still shaky, his tears were lessening and his muscles relaxed. He collapsed into my arms, face in my shoulder and arms grasping me as tightly as he could.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He rambled. I rubbed his back in circular motions and hushed him as you would do to a baby. This was common too - the apologies.

Chase had convinced himself that the events of that night were his fault.

"M-maybe I did something to- t-to lead her on?" He whimpered, sitting on the grass beside be and staring straight ahead.

"No, Chase." I said, looking right at him. The brunette didn't seem to notice me.

"I-I-I should've stopped her. I mean, I'm a cadet Skye, I-I can fight off someone a whole head taller than me b-but I l-let her-"

"Chase stop." I begged, sitting opposite him and resting a hand on his tear stained cheek. The boy flinched under my touch, eyes full of fear and vulnerability. "None of this is your fault. She drugged you and took advantage of you. You couldn't have stopped her."

"I-I thought she actually cared about me, Skye. I thought she loved me." He started to weep and cried into my shoulder as I knelt up and held him in my arms, resting my chin on his head.

"I know you did Sweet-pea. I know you did." I soothed...

"Thanks Skye." I heard a groggy voice, snapping me back from the memory I wish neither of us possessed.

"It's alright, Love. It's what I'm here for." I kissed Chase's forehead as he stood up. I pulled him out of the classroom, making sure that no one saw us and headed to my locker.

I felt Chase's hand grip mine tightly as we saw who was stood there. A girl with a familiar head of white hair.

Sweetie. Again.

What did she want with me?

Angel With A Shotgun - A Skye X Chase Story (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now