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"How dare you?" Skye whispered. "How fucking dare you?!"

"What? He was my boyfriend after all." Sweetie teased.

"You broke up when you were thirteen." I scowled.

"Give his tags back." Zuma said.

"Hmm. No."

"Give them back!" Skye cried, desperately trying to snatch the metal from the other girl's hands. Sweetie laughed and held them out of the blonde's reach. "You have no right to mourn him like I am!"

Skye was screaming by now, plenty of people watching. I knew she wanted to lay low. We all did but right now what we needed to do was get those tags back.

"Yes I do." The white haired girl sniggered. "Or are you forgetting that we did more than you two did?"

"Shut up!" Skye yelled, jumping for the tags again.

"He clearly didn't love you if you never went that far."

"Don't you dare!"

"I wonder why he never-"

"Because of you, you bitch! He never wanted to because you took it from him! You got what you wanted and left him in the dirt! He never wanted it! Now give me my boyfriend's tags back now!"

"Wow. Who'd have thought that a tough cadet like him would let that - from a girl no less - get to him. Although, it was pretty funny to see him cry."

"You were thirteen! And can we please normalise that anyone who is raped has a right to be terrified no matter who they are?! Give the tags back! Now!" Skye was crying, her throat probably raw from all the screams.

"Sweetie McNally!" Came a voice approaching us. It was the one and only Principle Ryder.

Thank fuck.

"I suggest you give Skye back those tags now. Or you'll be looking at more than a months detention." That was the thing about Ryder, he never yelled but man, he was scary when he meant business.

Reluctantly, Sweetie handed the tags back. Skye clutched them and pressed Chase's one to her lips. I brought her into a hug as she cried. My own girlfriend joined us and soon enough, our entire squad was enveloping the blonde in a hug.

When we pulled apart, Ryder placed a hand on Skye's shoulder.

"I think it's best for you kiddo's to go home today, just relax and cool off. I'll call your parents okay?"

We all nodded and grabbed our bags, heading to the reception to wait.

"I'm sorry guys," Skye whimpered, fiddling with the tags that were now around her neck.

"Don't, Skye," Rocky said. "It was her fault, not yours."

"But, we were laying low today. I did the opposite."

"With good reason." Rubble put a hand on her shoulder.

"God, I want him back so bad." She cried into her hands.

"Us too, mi amiga, us too."

Angel With A Shotgun - A Skye X Chase Story (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now